22 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION22 SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONsurround mode and other settings for each inputsource. This flexibility enables you to customize theway in which you listen to each source and have theAVR 745 memorize those settings. Once these set-tings are made, they will automatically be recalledwhenever you select that input.To simplify initial configuration and operation, theAVR 745 has been preconfigured with input settingsthat are typical for home theater systems. These set-tings are detailed in the worksheets in the Appendix.Before adjusting the input settings, it is a good idea tocompare your input connections to the defaults so thatyou may see where changes need to be made.Before using the unit, you may want to change thesettings for some inputs so that they are properlyconfigured to reflect the use of digital or analoginputs, the type of video display and speakersinstalled, and the surround mode specifics of yourhome theater system.In/Out SetupThe first step is to configure each input source. Whenan input is selected, the settings will “attach” them-selves to that input and be stored in a nonvolatilememory. Once made, the selection of an input willautomatically recall those settings. For that reason, theprocedures described below must be repeated foreach input source so that you have the opportunityto customize each source to your specific listeningrequirements. However, once done, they need notbe changed again unless your system componentshave changed.When using the full-OSD system to make the setupadjustments, press the Menu Button A or OSDButton ∫ once so that the MASTER MENU(Figure 1) appears. The cursor will be next to theIN/OUT SETUP line. Press the On/EnterButton E or the Set Button œ and the firstpage of the IN/OUT SETUP menu (Figure 2)will appear on the screen. Press the ‹/› NavigationButton D© until the desired input name appearsin the highlighted video, as well as being indicated inthe front-panel Input Indicators !.Figure 2When one of the four Video inputs is selected as thesource, you have the option of renaming the input as itappears in the on-screen and front-panel messages.This is helpful if you have more than one VCR, if youwish to associate a specific product brand name withthe input, or to simply enter any name that will helpyou to remember which source is being selected.To change the input name, press the ⁄/¤Navigation Buttons D© on the remote so thatthe cursor is pointing to TITLE. Next, press andhold the Set Button œ for a few seconds untila flashing box appears to the right of the colon.Immediately release the On/Enter Button E orthe Set Button œ, as you are now ready to enterthe device name.Press the ⁄/¤ Navigation Buttons D© andnote that alphanumeric characters will appear withthe start of the alphabet in capital letters, followed bythe lowercase letters, and then numbers and symbols.When you press the ¤ Navigation Button D©, the symbols and numbers will appear first, fol-lowed by a reverse list of the alphabet in lowercaseletters. Press the button either way until the first letterof the desired name appears. If you wish to enter ablank space as the first character, press the ›Navigation Button D©.When the desired character appears, press the ›Navigation Button D© and repeat the processfor the next letter, and continue until the desired nameis entered, up to a maximum of 14 characters. Pressthe On/Enter Button E or the Set Button œ toenter the input name into the system memory and toproceed with the configuration process.After entering the input title, press the ⁄/¤Navigation Buttons D© to move to thenext line.The audio input defaults for all sources except theTuner, USB and 6/8-Channel Direct inputs are shownin the table in the Appendix. If your system configura-tion follows the default table, no changes are neededand you may press the ⁄/¤ Navigation ButtonsD© to move to the next line.With the cursor pointing to AUDIO IN-PORT,press the ‹/› Navigation Buttons D© tochange the default to a different audio input connec-tion. When the name of the desired input appears,press the ⁄/¤ Navigation Buttons D© tomove to the next line.Note that in addition to using the menu system tochange the audio input, you may change it at any timewith the TC 30 remote by following these steps:• Press the Devices Button 3.• When the images in the LCD change, press theScreen Button 6 at the top of the left sideof the remote, next to the screen messageAV Receiver.• At the next screen, press the Screen Button 6to the left of the message Setup Menu.• When the new list of options appears, press theScreen Button 6 to the right of Digital Input.The current digital input name will begin to flash inthe Upper Display Line C.• Press the ‹/› Navigation Buttons D until thedesired input name appears on the right side ofthe Upper Display Line C or in the semi-OSDmessage.• After five seconds, the input name will stop flashing,as it is entered into the system memory and the unitwill return to normal operation.In normal operation, when a digital audio stream isinterrupted, the unit will automatically switch to theanalog inputs associated with that source. This is par-ticularly useful with cable set-top boxes where theinput is normally digital, but occasionally changes toanalog. If you wish to configure an input so that theauto-poll circuit is turned off, while the on-screen cur-sor is pointing to the AUDIO AUTO POLLline, simply press the ‹/› Navigation ButtonsD© so that OFF (rather than ON) is in a whitevideo highlight.When the desired auto-poll setting is entered, pressthe ⁄/¤ Navigation Button D© to move tothe next line.When the cursor is at the VIDEO IN-PORTline, you are able to select an alternative to the defaultinput setting for the video input associated with anysource. For the Video 1 and Video 4 inputs, the factorydefault of AUTO will select either composite or S-video, depending on which has an active signal. Forthe Video 2, Video 3 and DVD inputs, the AUTOsetting will normally select the default componentinput, but if it is not in use, the system will revert to acomposite or S-video output if either one is active.To have the AVR always look to a specific source con-nection when an input is selected, make certain thatthe on-screen cursor is pointing to the VIDEOIN-PORT line, and then press the ‹/›Navigation Buttons D© until the name of thedesired input appears. The default setting for HDMIinputs is AUTO and normally need not be changed.However, in systems where the HDMI connection isused for multichannel audio only (e.g., HDMI 1.1), butthe video connection is component, due to limitationson the video display, the setting here should bechanged to COMPONENT.When the desired video input setting has been made,press the ⁄/¤ Navigation Buttons D© tomove to the next line.If your system includes any sources that are equippedwith Y/Pr/Pb component video outputs, the AVR 745is able to switch them to send the proper signals toyour video display. Each of the Component VideoInputs Q is assigned to a default source, as shownin the table in the Appendix, but if you have connected* I N / O U T S E T U P *S O U R C E : V I D E O 1T I T L E :A U D I O I N - P O R T : A N A L O GA U D I O A U T O P O L L : O N O F FV I D E O I N - P O R T : A U T OC O M P O N E N T I N P U T : C O M P 1V I D E O P R O C E S S : F A R O U D J AA / V S Y N C D L A Y : 0 m SM A S T E R M E N U P A G E 2→SYSTEM CONFIGURATION