LFE Low-Pass Filter SettingThe LFE LP FLT line selects the frequency set-ting below which sounds that may be available from aspecial low-frequency effects (LFE) track are sent tothe subwoofer. In most cases, this setting will be setaccurately by EzSet/EQII but, should you wish to makea change from that setting or the 120Hz frequencythat is most commonly used in the creation of LFEchannels by motion picture sound mixers, after makingsure that the SPEAKER SIZE menu (Figure27) is on the screen, press the ⁄/¤ NavigationButtons D© so that the cursor is pointing toLFE LP FLT. Press the ‹/› NavigationButtons D© to begin the selection process, andnote that the warning message (Figure 28) will appear,reminding you to rerun EzSet/EQII after all changeshave been made.When the SPEAKER SIZE menu returns tothe screen, press the ‹/› Navigation ButtonsD© to make your selection. When the desiredsetting appears, press the ⁄/¤ NavigationButtons D© to move the cursor to any otherline on this menu where you wish to make a settingchange, or go to the BACK TO MANUALSETUP menu and then press the OK/EnterButton E in the TC 30 or the Set Button œto continue with overall configuration.Sub Mode SettingWhen the Front Left/Right speakers are configured as“Large” and a subwoofer is detected by EzSet/EQIIor manually configured as being available, additionaloptions are available to further customize bass redirec-tion. To change these settings, first make sure thatthe SPEAKER SIZE menu (Figure 27) is onthe screen, and then press the ⁄/¤ NavigationButtons D© so that the cursor is pointing toSUB MODE. Press the ‹/› Navigation ButtonsD© to begin the selection process, and note thatthe warning message (Figure 28) will appear, remind-ing you to rerun EzSet/EQII after all changes havebeen made.The following options are available:• The default setting for Large front left/right speakerswhen a subwoofer is present is SUB L/R+LFE.In this mode, all sounds below the crossover pointset on the LFE LP FLT line will be sent toBOTH the subwoofer and front left/right speakers.• To send only the LFE channel information to thesubwoofer, but have all other (“derived”) low-frequency sounds sent to the front left/rightspeakers, select the SUB (LFE) setting.• To have low-frequency information sent to the sub-woofer only when Large speakers are selected,choose SUB (L/R). This option is only avail-able when the unit is set to SURROUND OFFso that a pure analog audio path is provided.• When no subwoofer is present and Large speakersare configured for the front left/right position, selectNONE. This will route all low-frequency informa-tion to the front left/right speakers.When the SPEAKER SIZE menu returns tothe screen, replacing the warning message, press the‹/› Navigation Buttons D© to make yourselection. When the desired setting appears, press the⁄/¤ Navigation Buttons D© to move thecursor to any other line on this menu where you wishto make a setting change, or go to the BACK TOMANUAL SETUP menu and then press theOK/Enter Button E in the TC 30 or the SetButton œ to continue with overall configuration.Subwoofer ConfigurationThe AVR 745 is among the very few A/V receivers orsurround processors that are capable of feeding twosubwoofers, as well as the standard configuration of asingle subwoofer. Although one subwoofer is capableof delivering powerful bass, the use of two subwoofersin conjunction with EzSet/EQII expands the bassresponse over a wider listening area.The default setting for the AVR 745 is a single sub-woofer, but if you are using two subwoofers, it isimportant to change the setting on the NO. SUBSline. To do that, press the ‹/› Navigation ButtonsD© as needed so that the cursor is pointing toNO. SUBS, and then press the ‹/› NavigationButtons D© so that the number shown changesfrom 1 to 2.Subwoofer SizeThe final setting on the SPEAKER SIZE menuenables you to change the setting for the subwoofersize. In the event that EzSet/EQII did not accuratelyenter the correct size, or if you wish to experimentwith a different setting, first make sure that theSPEAKER SIZE menu (Figure 27) is onthe screen; then press the ⁄/¤ NavigationButtons D© so that the cursor is pointing toSUB SIZE and then press the ‹/› NavigationButtons D© to begin the selection process.Note that a warning message will appear for fourseconds to remind you to rerun EzSet/EQII afterall changes have been made.Select a setting that best matches the diameter ofyour subwoofer’s driver, or which provides the appro-priate high-pass filter setting for your system. In eachcase, the frequency of the high-pass filter determinesthe frequencies below which no information is sent tothe subwoofer:• The setting for an 8-inch/200mm driver activates a38Hz subwoofer high-pass filter.• The setting for a 10-inch/250mm driver activates a30Hz subwoofer high-pass filter.• The setting for a 12-inch/305mm driver activates a20Hz subwoofer high-pass filter.• The setting for a 15-inch/380mm driver activates a15Hz subwoofer high-pass filter.When all changes to speaker-related settings havebeen made, press the ⁄/¤ Navigation ButtonsD© until the cursor is on the BACK TOMANUAL SETUP menu; then press theOK/Enter Button E on the TC 30 or the SetButton œ so that you may make any other adjust-ments to the system parameters. Remember to rerunthe EzSet/EQII system if any changes have beenmade to the settings in this menu, following theinstructions for using the Manual mode shown onpage 30.The speaker configuration settings may also be adjusteddirectly and without going into the OSD menu systemat any time using the TC 30 remote control. To adjustthe speaker settings, first press the Devices Button4 on the TC 30, and then press the ScreenButton 6 at the top of the left vertical row, to theright of the AVR image on the remote’s screen.When the images in the LCD change, press theScreen Button 6 next to the box with the wordSPEAKER. Immediately press the ‹/›Navigation Buttons D© until the desiredspeaker position’s name appears in the LowerDisplay Line D, and in the semi-OSD message,if the video in use is a 480i source.Within five seconds of stopping at the desired speakerposition, press the OK/Enter Button E. Use the‹/› Navigation Buttons D© to select thedesired setting and then press the OK/Enter ButtonE again to enter the setting into the system memory.Delay SettingsDue to the different distances between the listeningposition and each speaker position, the amount oftime it takes for sound to reach your ears from eachchannel is different. You may compensate for this dif-ference through the use of the delay settings to adjustthe timing for the speaker placement and acousticconditions in your listening room or home theater.In most cases, the settings established by EzSet/EQIIare accurate to within one foot, but the placement ofthe microphone and other factors may influencethe setting. Should you wish to manually adjust thechannel delay times, follow the instructions shownbelow. Whenever adjustments to the delay settings aremade remember that the distance settings need notbe accurate to the inch, as the system is designed toaccommodate a typical listening area rather than theprecise measurement from the speakers to a specific“sweet spot” position.SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONSYSTEM CONFIGURATIONSYSTEM CONFIGURATION 35SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 35