MAIN REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONSThe AVR 7550HD remote is capable of controlling up to 14 devices,including the AVR itself, an iPod docked in the included The Bridge II,a USB device and a Network device (see page 37 for details). Duringthe installation process, you may program the codes for your sourcecomponents into the remote. To operate a component, press itsSelector button to change the device mode. The device mode willappear on the top line of the remote’s LCD Display.NOTE: Four of the sources do not have dedicated SourceSelectors: Source A, Source B, Source C and Source D. Toselect one of these sources, first press the AVR Settings Button,then press the appropriate Soft Key: Red for Source A, Greenfor Source B, Yellow for Source C and Blue for Source D. Thesesources may also be selected using the AVR Settings menu.Each Source Selector has been preprogrammed to control certaintypes of components, with only the codes specific to each brand andmodel changing, depending on which product code is programmed.The AUX and Cable/SAT Source Selectors may be used for multipledevice types. All of the external Source Selectors may be reassignedto other device types (see Initial Setup section).AUX Source Selector: CD player, VCR, HDTV set-top box,PVD or TiVo ® set-top box.Cable/SAT Source Selector: Cable set-top box or satel-lite set-top box.IMPORTANT NOTE: All of the AVR 7550HD’s audio andvideo inputs are independently assignable. Select the inputsto which the device is physically connected during InitialSetup. Any device may be connected to any compatible inputand given any name (e.g., DVD or Game).Most of the buttons on the remote have dedicated functions,although the precise codes transmitted vary, depending on thedevice mode. Due to the wide variety of functions for various sourcedevices, only a few of the most-often used functions on the remotehave been included: alphanumeric keys, transport controls, television-channel control, menu access, and power on and off.Buttons dedicated to the AVR are available at any time, even inanother device mode: AVR Power On and Off, Audio Effects, VideoModes, Surround Modes, Volume, Mute and Sleep Settings. Pressthe AVR Settings Button near the bottom of the remote to return itto AVR mode.A button’s function depends on which component is being con-trolled. See Table A14 in the appendix for listings of the functionsfor each type of component.IR Transmitter Lens: As buttons are pressed on theremote, infrared codes are emitted through this lens.AVR Power On Button: Press to turn on the AVR. TheMaster Power Switch behind the front-panel door must be on.AVR Power Off Button: Press to turn off the AVR 7550HD.Device Power On Button: Press a device’s SourceSelector, then press this button to turn on the device.Device Power Off Button: Press a device’s SourceSelector, then press this button to turn off the device.LCD Display: This two-line text display informs you of thecurrent device mode (i.e., which source is active) on the upper line.When you press a key, the command will appear briefly on thelower line.Source Selectors: Press one of these buttons to select asource device, e.g., DVD, CD, cable TV, satellite or HDTV tuner. Thiswill also turn on the receiver and switch the remote’s device modeto operate the source. The first press of the Radio Selector switchesthe AVR to the last-used tuner band (AM, FM or XM). Each succes-sive press changes the band. Similarly, the Network Button togglesbetween the Network and Internet Radio sources.Audio Effects: Press to directly access the Audio Effectssubmenu, which allows adjustment of the AVR’s tone and otheraudio controls. See the Initial Setup section for more information.Video Modes: Press for direct access to the Video Modessubmenu, which contains picture settings to be used after youhave adjusted the picture settings on the video display or TV.See the Advanced Functions section for more information.Surround Modes: Press to directly access the SurroundModes submenu. Scroll to the lines for the Surround Mode categories:Auto Select, Virtual Surround, Stereo, Movie, Music or Video Game.The surround mode will change when the menu line is highlighted.To change the surround mode for the selected category, press theOK Button when the menu line for the Surround Mode categorymatching the audio program is highlighted, and select one of theavailable surround mode options using the 1/5Buttons. Press theOK Button.See the Advanced Functions section for more information onsurround modes.Alphanumeric Keys: Use these buttons to enter numbersfor radio station frequencies or channels, or to select station presets.Last Channel: When controlling the tuner; a cable, satelliteor HDTV set-top box; or a TV, press this button to return to theprevious station or channel. For Internet Radio, this is only availableto toggle between stations previously saved as presets.Activity: With this button, up to 11 Activities may be pro-grammed to transmit a series of commands with a single press.Execute an Activity by pressing this button, then the AlphanumericKey (or the AVR Power On or Off Button by themselves) into whichit was programmed. See the Advanced Functions section for moreinformation on Activities.Back/Exit: Press to return to the previous menu or to exit themenu system.Menu Button: This button is used within the Now Playingmenu for the tuner (including XM Radio), USB, The Bridge II, InternetRadio and the Network, and to display the main menu on somesource devices. To display the AVR 7550HD’s main menu, press theAVR Settings Button.Navigation(1/57/3) and OK Buttons: These buttonsare used to make selections within the menu system and to operatethe tuner.AVR 7550HD harman/kardon12