Pressing the Enter Button K displays a dropdownmenu with the selections available for that setting. Usethe ⁄¤ Navigation Buttons n to highlight theappropriate setting, and then press the Enter ButtonK to select it.You will notice that the adjustments for speaker sizeand distance (used to calculate delay times) are set intandem for the front left and right speaker pair, and forthe surround left and right speaker pair. Changing thesettings for either speaker in these pairs also affectsthat setting for the other speaker in that pair. For thisreason, it is important to select the same brand andmodel for both speakers in each pair, and also toplace them at about the same distance from thelistening position.Speaker Size: Speaker size is part of the bass man-agement system which determines which frequenciesare sent to the specific speaker position, and whichare sent to the subwoofer. The designation of “size”does not refer to the speaker’s physical size, but ratherto the lowest frequency a speaker can handle. For thispurpose, “full-range” speakers are considered “large,”while those not capable of reproduction below 100Hzare considered “small.” In general, if you are usinga packaged speaker system with smaller satellite-type speakers and a subwoofer, you should selectSmall for all five speakers. Large shouldonly be selected if you are certain that your speakersare capable of handling extreme low-frequencysounds.Delay Time: This setting is used to compensate forthe time it takes for sound to reach you from eachspeaker position, as some speakers may be placedfurther from the listening position than others. Selectthe distance from the speaker to your listening positionby choosing one of the distance settings shown. Thissetting is not available for the subwoofer.Output Level: This setting is used to maintain bal-anced reproduction and sound field presentation. Thegoal is to make certain that the sound is heard fromeach speaker position with equal loudness. You maysimply enter the same speaker level output settingsalready used for your receiver or processor. Alter-natively, you may use a test disc that outputs a fixedtone to all speakers at the same time and adjust thesettings here so that the tone is heard at the samelevel (loudness) from all speakers.For the subwoofer, the settings are slightly different.Select On when a subwoofer is connected, or Offif one is not used. The second setting for the sub-woofer is the crossover. This determines which soundswill be sent to the subwoofer, and which to the mainspeakers when Small is selected as the speakersize for any of the speakers. Select the frequency fromthose shown that is closest to the lowest frequencyyour main (left/center/right/surround left/surroundright) speakers are able to reproduce. If you are notfamiliar with that information, it may be found in theowner’s manual for your speakers. The output levelshould be set the same way as for the other speakers.When you have finished entering all settings on thismenu, use the ⁄¤‹› Navigation Buttons nto highlight the word Done at the bottom of thescreen, and then press the Enter Button K toenter your settings into the DVD 37’s memory.Video Setup SubmenuThis menu establishes the DVD’s configuration forvideo format settings such as aspect ratio and outputscan. It also allows access to the Video Adjustmentsbanner (see next section).As with all setup menus, press the Setup Button jto activate the main menu screen, and then press the⁄¤ Navigation Buttons n until the VIDEOSETUP icon is highlighted, and then press theEnter Button K.Figure 8The following adjustments are available on the VideoSetup menu:Aspect Ratio: This setting selects the aspect ratioof video programming. Your choice should be madeaccording to the shape of your video display and yourpersonal preferences. When the HDMI Output 2 isused, the aspect ratio will automatically be set appro-priately for the specific display. However, you mayselect an alternate view. For most other video displays,make sure the Aspect Ratio setting is correct for yourdisplay. Two choices are available:• 16:9: If you have a widescreen (16:9) display, or adisplay that has a widescreen mode, choose thissetting. With this setting, the DVD 37 will adjust theoutput for widescreen movies so that they fill theentire screen in the proper aspect ratio. However, inthis setting a disc recorded in the 4:3 aspect ratiowill appear in the widescreen as a boxed image inthe center, with black columns on the left and rightside of the screen. If the widescreen option is chosenand a widescreen movie is played on a conventional4:3 aspect-ratio set, the image will be distorted dueto vertical compression.• 4:3: If you have a standard, 4:3 aspect ratio videodisplay, choose this setting. You will see the entireframe of the movie as it is recorded on the discwithout any image cutoff at the left and right sides.While this allows widescreen movies to be shown intheir entirety, they will occupy a smaller portion ofthe screen and black “letterbox” bars may appearat the top and bottom of the screen.Video Output: This setting selects between theS-Video Output • and Component VideoOutputs §, which are not available simultaneouslyIf you have connected one of these outputs to yourvideo display and the screen is blank, you will need totemporarily connect the Composite Video Output¶ to your TV in order to view the on-screen menusand change this setting.Scan Type: This setting allows you to selectbetween progressive and interlaced scanning forthe Component Video Outputs § to maximizethe image resolution for the type of video display inuse. The output at the S-Video • and CompositeVideo ¶ outputs will always be standard-rate videothat is compatible with any television set or video dis-play. Two choices are available:• Progressive: Select this option if you have a videodisplay that is compatible with input sources of480P or greater. Displays labeled as “HDTV Ready,”including virtually all large-screen LCD and plasmadisplays, are compatible with progressive scan.• Interlaced: Select this option when you are usingan older video display that has Y/Pr/Pb componentinputs, but which is not capable of displaying highscan rate, or “HD” signals.NOTES:1. The Scan Type may only be changed when theVideo Output setting has been set to Component.2. If you have connected the DVD 37 to a video dis-play that is not capable of displaying progressivescan video using the Component (Y/Pr/Pb) VideoOutputs §, and you have inadvertently changedthe Video Output Setting to Component and theScan Type setting to Progressive, you may resetthe scan type to interlaced by pressing the SetupButton 9 to deactivate the Setup menu system.Then press the Progressive Scan/InterlacedButton J. The display will blink, indicating thatthe scan type has been reset to interlaced mode.Alternatively, as a last-resort measure, you maycompletely reset all of the DVD 37’s settings,including the scan type, by exiting the on-screenmenu system and pressing and holding the ClearButton d for five seconds. The display will blink,and all settings will return to the factory defaults.Video Adjustment: Use this setting to access theVideo Adjustments banner by changing the settingSYSTEM SETUPSYSTEM SETUP 23