SPEAKER PLACEMENT 5SPEAKER PLACEMENTColor-Coding SystemThe HKTS 6 uses the channel color-codingsystem established by the ConsumerElectronics Association to make setting upyour home theater speaker system as easyas possible. Your system includes a set ofcolored stickers that may be placed nearthe speaker terminals of each of the foursatellite speakers according to the keybelow. It doesn’t matter which satellitespeaker is used for any of the front or rearpositions. (The center speaker and poweredsubwoofer are already color-coded for you.)Front SpeakersThe front speakers should be placed thesame distance from each other as they arefrom the listening position. They should beplaced at about the same height from thefloor as the listeners’ ears will be, or theymay be angled toward the listeners.Center Channel SpeakerThe center channel speaker should beplaced slightly behind the front left and rightspeakers, and no more than two feet aboveor below the tweeters of the left and rightspeakers. It is often convenient to set thecenter speaker on top of the television set,as shown in the drawing. Use the suppliedsupport leg to aim it toward the listener byscrewing the leg in to angle the speaker up,or unscrewing the leg slightly to angle thespeaker down.SubwooferThe low-frequency material reproduced bythe subwoofer is mostly omnidirectional,and this speaker may be placed in a con-venient location in the room. However, thebest reproduction of bass will be heardwhen the subwoofer is placed in a corneralong the same wall as the front speakers.Experiment with subwoofer placement bytemporarily placing the subwoofer in thelistening position and moving around theroom until the bass reproduction is best.Place the subwoofer in that location.Surround SpeakersThe two surround speakers should beplaced slightly behind the listening positionand, ideally, should face each other and beat a level higher than the listeners’ ears. Ifthat is not possible, they may be placed ona wall behind the listening position, facingforward. The surround speakers should notcall attention to themselves. Experiment withtheir placement until you hear a diffuse,ambient sound accompanying the main-program material heard in the front speakers.5 – 6 ft.White RedBlue GrayGreenWhite Red Purple0-2 ft.White RedGreenWhite RedSpeaker Sticker (or Terminal)Position and Cable ColorFront Left WhiteFront Right RedCenter GreenSurround Left BlueSurround Right GraySubwoofer (LFE) PurpleStands are optional.