12 MACRO PROGRAMMINGProgramming the RemoteNOTE: While entering commands for PowerOn/Off of any device during a macro sequence,press the Mute button. DO NOT press the actualPower button.3. When all the steps have been entered,press the Sleep button to enter thecommands. The red light under the DeviceSelectors will blink and then turn off.Example: To program the Macro 1 button sothat it turns on an AVR, a TV and a cable box,follow these steps:1. Press the Macro 1 and Mute buttons at thesame time and then release them.2. Note that the Program LED will flash amber.3. Press the AVR Selector.4. Press the Mute button to store the AVR’spower on command.5. Press the VID 2 Device Selector button toindicate the next command is for “TV PowerOn.”6. Press the Mute button to store the TV PowerOn command.7. Press the VID 3 Device Selector button toindicate the next command is for “CablePower On.”8. Press the Mute button to store the CablePower On command.9. Press the Sleep/Channel Up buttonto complete the process and store the macrosequence.After following these steps, each time you pressthe Macro 1 button, the remote will send thePower On/Off command.11 MACRO PROGRAMMING2. When the red LED under the DeviceSelector turns red and the Program LEDflashes amber, release the buttons.3. Press and release the same Device Selectoragain.4. Press the 9 button three times.5. The Program LED will turn off and the redlight under the Device Selector will flash onand off once to indicate that the codes havebeen erased and the USR 1 has returned toits factory default codes. Macro commandsand “Punch-Through” programming willremain active, but may not have the effectyou originally intended.Macro ProgrammingMacros enable you to easily repeat frequentlyused combinations of commands with thepress of a single button on the USR 1. Onceprogrammed, a macro will send out up to 19different remote codes in a predeterminedsequential order, enabling you to automate theprocess of turning on your system, changingdevices, changing to a favorite channel with onebutton press, or other common tasks. The USR 1can store up to five separate macro commandsequences: one that is associated with thePower On button, and four more that areaccessed by pressing the Macro buttons.1. Press the Mute button and the Macrobutton to be programmed or the Power Onbutton at the same time. Note that aDevice Selector will light red, and theProgram LED will flash amber.2. Enter the steps for the macro sequence bypressing the button for the actual commandstep. Although the macro may contain up to19 steps, each button press, including thoseused to change devices, counts as a step.The Program LED will flash green toconfirm each button press as you entercommands.10 LEARNING CODES2. When the red LED under the DeviceSelector turns red and the Program LEDflashes amber, release the buttons.3. Press and release the Device Selector againfor the device within which the individualbutton to be erased has been programmed.4. Press the 7 button three times.5. Press and release the individual button forwhich the code is to be erased. The ProgramLED will blink green two times and thenreturn to amber.6. To erase other buttons within the samedevice, press them as noted in Step 5.7. When all buttons to be erased have beenpressed, press the Learn button to completethe process.To erase all codes within a single device, followthese steps:1. Press and hold both the Device Selector forwhich you wish to erase the codes and theLearn button.2. When the red LED under the DeviceSelector turns red and the Program LEDflashes amber, release the buttons.3. Press and release the Device Selector againfor the device whose code you wish to erase.4. Press the 8 button three times.5. The Program LED will turn off and the redlight under the Device Selector will flash onand off once to indicate that the codes havebeen erased.To erase all codes that have been programmed toall devices in the remote, follow these steps:1. Simultaneously press any Device Selectorand the Learn button.