132.4 Flue Installation.An integral flue spigot is fitted to all PV AirHeaters thereby allowing the flue to connectdirectly to the heater.The design of the flue must ensure that itcan be disconnected to allow for cleaningand servicing. All joints should be sealedbetween the sections.Warning On PV72 to 145 a CombustionAir Plate is supplied as standard thisMUST be fitted in place of thecombustion air spigot if the heater is tobe installed in the flue only option.It is essential that the products ofcombustion are flued to the outside of thebuilding.Each heater must have its own separateflue, with a flue diameter of not less than isdetailed in section 7.2 within this manual.The flue assembly must comply with all therelevant regulations regarding height andmaterials, and must terminate with anapproved flue terminal.Care should be taken to ensure that the flueterminal is not situated in a high pressurearea, the proximity of buildings and otherobstacles which will influence this must betaken into account, preferably at the designstage.All PV Heaters are equipped with a built influe venter fan which prevents the re -circulation of combustion products,consequently an external draught diverter,barometric damper, or anti spillage systemmust not be installed. Such devices areunnecessary on the PV range of heaters.Horizontal flue installations must notexceed those stated in the followingpagesEach 90 0 bend corresponds to 1Mtr of fluelengthEach 45 0 bend corresponds to 0.8 Mtr offlue lengthIn order to provide adequate naturaldraught, the minimum length of horizontalflue must not be less than 1m.For vertical flue installations the flue shouldrise vertically where possible bends shouldnot exceed 45 0 and the number of bendsshould be kept to a minimum.Maximum vertical flue length must notexceed that stated in the following pages.The temperature of the combustion productscan be as high as 170 0 C and therefore tendto rise naturally within the flue. Unnecessarybends and restrictions should therefore beavoided.CautionIt is imperative that the flue should beproperly sealed where it passes through theroof, this can best be achieved by using theapproved method of roof flashing plate andcravat. The flue spigot outlet on all PVheaters is in vertical configuration.NoteIt should be noted that claims made underwarranty and attributed to the ingress ofwater may not be considered especially if anapproved method of sealing has not beenused, or if the design of the flue has notmade provision for possible condensationproblems.It is also recommended that BS5854: 1980and BS5440: parts 1 and 2 are used as aconsultative document when consideringflue requirements.If terminating through a wall only useapproved horizontal terminalsProvision for the disconnection of the flue forservicing and inspection purposes must alsobe made.The position of the flue and its terminalshould be such that it does not impair thecombustion process. It should terminate inan exposed position so as to allow the freeescape of flue gases without risk of their re-entering the building through windows,ventilation ports etc.