213.0 CommissioningNoteIt is a requirement that only suitablyqualified and competent personnel areallowed to undertake the commissioningof the heater.It is also strongly recommended that priorto commissioning the engineersfamiliarise themselves with the heater. thespecific requirements of the installation /application, and the informationcontained within the manual.WarningAll heaters are subject to a rigorous testprogramme prior to despatch, whilst such aprogramme does involve pre-commissioningand the setting of the heater to operateefficiently and within its designed operationallimits this does not mean that the function ofthorough on site commissioning is lessimportantIt is strongly recommended that theequipment used for the sampling andanalysis of the flue gases is accurate towithin +/- 0.1% and maintained so that it isregularly calibrated.The following pre-commissioning checksshould be undertaken, having first ensuredthat the gas and electrical supplies areturned off.(a) Check that all panels and fasteners aresecure and in place.(b) Check that the heater is installed safely.(c) Check that the flue is sealed, secured,and adequately supported.(d) Check that the fan is free to rotate, thatthe fan is secured to its shaft, and that theguards and fan assembly are all in place andproperly secured.(e) Check that the heater is installed so thatit is not tilted and remains square.(f) Check that the outlet louvres are set tooffer minimum resistance to air flow.3.1 Electrical pre-testsThe electrical safety checks must include thefollowing:a) Test for earth continuityb) Test for resistance to earthc) Check live and neutral connections arecorrect.d) Check to ensure that when the externalcontrols operate to switch the heater off,power remains to the fan3.2 Gas supply pre-testEnsure that the service pipework has beeninstalled purged and tested in accordancewith the relevant regulations, and that theinstallation is served by an adjacent isolatingcock.Connection from the supply to the heatermust also comply with the relevantregulations (see section 8.0) and must havebeen purged and soundness tested by anauthorised engineer3.3 Ignition sequencePRE START DRY RUNIn order to test that all controls are in goodworking order, the control sequence shouldfirst be tested with the gas supply turned Off.Ensure gas isolating cock is in the OffpositionWarningIf during the following sequence ofoperations the heater fails to operatecorrectly the fault should be traced andrectified before proceeding, if necessaryreferring to section 5.0 fault diagnosis.a) Switch off the main electrical supply to theheater.b) Turn off gas supply to the heater.c) Open side panel, and connectmanometers to the gas supply test point andto the main burner test point.d) Ensure outlet louvres are correctly set.e) Ensure fan rotation is not impaired orobstructed.f) Set room thermostat to its lowest setting.g) If a time switch is fitted ensure it is set toan ON period.h) Switch on electrical supply.i) Use leak tester to test for soundness onthe unions and pipework.j) Operate the heater through the installedcontrol system.