24* Consult Harry Taylor of Ashton Ltd.Technical Department.(r) Complete commissioning card andprovide operating instructions for the user,high-light the fact that the manufacturerrecommends that in the interests of safetyand efficiency the heater is serviced on aregular basis only by qualified andcompetent persons.The completed commissioning card must bereturned to Harry Taylor of Ashton Ltd.Service Department immediately after thesatisfactory completion of commissioning,failure to do so can invalidate anysubsequent warranty claim.(s) Set all controls to the requirements of theuser.4.3 Commissioning - air deliverysystemOn free blowing applications the integrity ofthe fastenings on the heater top and outletnozzles must be checked .Final adjustment for the direction of the airflow from the nozzle hoods should be made,and the hoods should be secured in therequired position by drilling through the twoholes provided in the hood outer ring andfastened in place using self tapping screws.CautionOn ducted applications it is necessary thatthe system is balanced in order to optimisethe efficiency of the heater and the airdistribution and delivery system Failure tobalance the system can result in fan motoroverloading and premature componentfailure, it can also result in an inefficientheating/ventilation system.(a) Check that the amount of fan producedair volume is in accordance with the heaterspecification, if the volume is too great thefan can be overloaded. Ensure that therunning current is as per that stated on theheater data plate.Alternatively, the static pressure should bemeasured at the start of the ductwork toconfirm that it is within the permissibletolerance.(b) If the current drawn is greater than thestated running current, in most probabilitythis will be caused by insufficient staticpressure within the ductwork, in which casesystem resistance should be increasedthrough the introduction of a damper placedas close to the start of the ductwork aspossible, thereby resulting in a reduction indrawn current.The damper should be adjusted until thecurrent is in accordance with that stated onthe data plate.(c) If the current drawn is too low the ductoutlet grilles will require opening to reducestatic pressure and increase air volume, ifthis is not the case overheat cut outs can becaused.The Fan Belts must be rechecked oncompletion of commissioning ensuringthat the tension is correct and the pulleysare in alignment4.4 Commissioning - hand over(a) Upon full and satisfactory completion ofcommissioning, a record of commissioninginformation (contact, date, etc) should be leftwith the heater, a copy of which must alsobe forwarded to Harry Taylor of Ashton Ltd.Service Department.(b) The commissioning engineer mustensure that the user is familiar with the safeand efficient use of the heater, detailing thefunction of all controls, and maincomponents.(c) The user should be made aware of thefollowing in particular(i) Lighting, shutdown, and operationalinformation.(ii) Safety features, data plate, and labelling.(iii) The requirement for regular inspection -especially if the heater is within a moredemanding environment - and the need forregular servicing carried out by competentand qualified persons.