85 IDE Primary Channel Master and Slave Drives in BIOSSetup should be connected to the system board primaryIDE connector. (Please refer to the connectors andfunctions illustrated in chapter 5.) IDE Secondary Channel Master and Slave Drives in BIOSSetup should be connected to the system board secondaryIDE connector. (Please refer to the connectors andfunctions illustrated in chapter 5.)NOTE: The CD-ROM drive that comes with system unitshould be configured as IDE Secondary ChannelMaster device. Check the hard disk and CD-ROM drives jumper settings.See “3.5-In. Hard Disk Drive Jumper Locations” on page161 and "CD-ROM Drive" on page 91. Check the voltages of all disk drive power connectors.See “Power Supply Cable Connector Specifications” onpage 157. Correct the parameter settings under Disk Drives in theBIOS Setup. See ”IDE Drives Setup” on page 54. In the BIOS Setup, check that the correct drive size is setfor the flagged drive shown in the Installed Devices list. Load default settings. If the problem remains, check the continuity on the driveand the cable and replace it if necessary. If that does notfix the problem, replace the system board. End.005 – Select Diagnostics from the PC-Doctor diagnosticsprogram main menu. Select and execute Floppy DiskTest if you want to test the diskette drive. Select andexecute Hard Disk Test if you want to test the hard diskdrive. Select Interactive Tests from the PC-Doctor diagnosticsprogram main menu, then select and execute CD-ROM/DVD Test if you want to test the CD-ROM drive. If the diagnostics program did not detect a failure, but thesystem still displays a failure: If an error or other symptom appears, go to “Index ofSymptoms, Messages, Error Codes, or Beeps” on page 69. If no error can be detected or the symptom is intermittent,go to “Undetermined Problems” on page 101. End.