88Audio (Not Supported by Diagnostics Program)NOTE: Audio tests for the sound card cannot be carried outin the PC Doctor DOS diagnostics program. It is,however, possible to carry out a dial tone test for themodem.While performing this check, you may need to enterand exit Microsoft Windows 98 several times. Wheninstructed to select an icon or button, double-click onthe item with the mouse.For more information about using Microsoft Windows98, see the user's guide that came with the computer.If an operating system other than Microsoft Windows98 is installed, the program screens and icons maydiffer from these instructions.001 - START Power off the system unit. Remove all adapter cards. Connect a hard disk drive with pre-loaded Windows 98. Power on the system unit. Load default settings in setup (audio may be disabled).002 - DO ANY POST MESSAGES, ERROR CODES, BEEPS,OR SYMPTOMS APPEAR? (YES, READ AHEAD. NO,GO TO STEP 003) Go to “Index of Symptoms, Messages, Error Codes, orBeeps” on page 69. End.003 - DO ANY MESSAGES OR ERROR CODES DISPLAYAFTER POST COMPLETES BUT BEFOREMICROSOFT WINDOWS 98 STARTS? (YES, READAHEAD. NO, GO TO STEP 004)NOTE: If POST does not complete, answer this question"No". Make sure that Windows 98 is properly installed. End.