NRT. Non-real-time.NRZI. Non-return-to-zero inverted recording.NRZ-1. Non-return-to-zero change-on-ones recording.NSAP. Network service address point.NSC. Network Support Center.NSM. (See 2220 Nways Switch Manager)NVDM. NetView Distribution Manager for AIX.NTT. Nippon Telegraph & Telephone (Corporation).numbering plan table (NPT). A set of parameters,organized in origin NPT and destination NPT, thatdefines a type of called ISDN numbers. A numberingplan table is associated with each ISDN networkinterface.Nways 2220 Switch Manager (2220 SwitchManager). An IBM licensed program that runs underNetView for AIX to manage the 2220 Nways Switchoperation and configuration from a networkmanagement station. It replaces the Nways EnterpriseManager (NEM) which is no longer available.Nways BroadBand Switch. Synonym for 2220 NwaysBroadBand Switch.Nways Enterprise Manager (NEM). An IBM licensedprogram that was used under NetView for AIX in anetwork management station to manage NwaysSwitches, routers, and bridges in a 2220 network (see2220 Nways Switch Manager).Nways Switch. Synonym for 2220 Nways BroadBandSwitch.Nways Switch administration station (NAS). Astation attached to each 2220 to run the ControlProgram, and control and service the Nways Switchlocally.Nways Switch configuration station. A mandatoryOS/2 or AIX station that runs a stand-alone version ofthe Nways Switch Configuration Tool Version 2 (NCT2)and stores the centralized configuration database of theNBBS network. An OS/2 station can be used as aremote user console.Nways Switch Configuration Tool Version 2 (NCT2).A component of the Nways Switch Control Program thatis used to configure physical and logical resources. It isalso used in stand-alone version under OS/2 or AIX .Nways Switch Control Program. The IBM licensedprogram that runs in the NAS and adapters of the 2220Nways Switch. It includes a CMIP agent to work withthe 2220 Switch Manager.Nways 2220 Switch Manager for AIX. (See Nways2220 Switch Manager)Nways Switch Resource Control. A component ofthe Nways Switch Control Program. It is used from theNAS of an Nways Switch or from a remote user consoleto control resources and configuration files.OAM. Operation, administration, and maintenance.OC3. Optical carrier level 3.ONPT. Origin numbering plan table.operation, administration, and maintenance (OAM).A group of functions coded in specific ATM cells tohandle alarms and loopback tests on ATM connections.optical fiber. In fiber optics technology, a wave guidethat propagates optical signals from light-generatingtransmitters to light-detecting receivers.OSI. Open systems interconnection.packet loss ratio. The probability that a packet willnot reach its destination or not reach it in a specifiedtime. It is obtained by dividing the number of packetslost in transmission by the total number transmitted.packet transfer mode (PTM). The native transfermode of the NBBS architecture. PTM divides the trafficinto packets of variable length.PBX. Private branch exchange.PCM. Pulse code modulation.PCR. Peak cell rate.PDH. Plesiochronous digital hierarchy.permanent virtual circuit (PVC). A virtual circuit thathas a logical channel permanently assigned to it at eachitem of data terminal equipment. It is activated by aprogram or by a network operator request.plesiochronous. Refers to transmission at a nominalbit rate where the source and destination are controlledby different clocks. The bit rates are nearly the same.PLP. Packet layer protocol.PNP. Private numbering plan.port. See logical port.port adapter. In an Nways Switch, a module thatprovides access services to one or more port lines.Each port adapter is associated with a line interfacecoupler (LIC).port line. A communication line that connects a deviceon user premises to an Nways Switch and serves as aport to the 2220 network. Port lines have differentprotocols and interfaces.E-6 2220 Setup and Service Guide