Formatting a Hard DiskHard disks normally contain tracks in excess of their stated capacity to allowfor defective tracks. The user is notified by a diagnostic message when thedefect limit has been reached and service is recommended.The Advanced Diagnostics Format utility is different from the operatingsystem format program. Before the customer can transfer information fromthe backup diskettes to the hard disk, the hard disk must be formatted usingthe operating system format program. Have the customer refer to theoperating system manual for a description of the hard disk preparationcommands.Warning: All data on the selected hard disk is destroyed during a formatoperation or surface analysis.Format Utilityà ðFORMAT SELECTION MENU----------------------1 - CONDITIONAL FORMAT2 - UNCONDITIONAL FORMAT3 - SURFACE ANALYSIS9 - RETURN TO HARD DISK MENUFOR OPTION 9TYPE '9' AND PRESS 'ENTER'FOR OTHER OPTIONS (1 THRU 5)TYPE THE OPTION NUMBER,DRIVE ID (1,C), AND PRESS 'ENTER'á ñ1 - CONDITIONAL FORMAT: The hard disk is scanned for any defectivetracks, then formatted (except for any known defective tracks).2 - UNCONDITIONAL FORMAT: The hard disk is formatted, except for anydefective tracks that you specify.3 - SURFACE ANALYSIS: Scans the hard disk by writing, reading, andcomparing a unique data pattern to detect any defective tracks.9 - RETURN TO HARD DISK MENU: Returns to the Hard Disk menu.3-8