Warning: Formatting results in a complete loss of data on the hard disk,including system software. If you are directed to or elect to format the harddisk, you must do the following:1. Prior to formatting, have the customer back up all information.2. Prior to returning the system to the customer, you must reinstall thesystem software on the hard disk.Formatting ProcedureBefore replacing a failing hard disk drive, try to format it as follows:1. Power off the system unit. Check that the hard disk drive cable is tightlyconnected.2. Insert the Advanced Diagnostics diskette into drive A.3. Power on the system unit.4. Press 0 (SYSTEM CHECKOUT), then press Enter.5. Depending on the options installed in the system, questions aboutattached devices may appear on the screen. Answer as required, thenpress Enter.6. Press Y (IS THE LIST CORRECT (Y/N)?), then press Enter. If the listis incorrect, follow the instructions on the screen to correct the listbefore answering “Yes.”7. Press 0 (RUN TESTS ONE TIME), then press Enter.8. Select 17 (HARD DISK DRIVE), then press Enter.9. Press 7 (FORMAT MENU), then press Enter.10. Press 1, C, then press Enter.11. Press Y (DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE (Y/N)?), then press Enter.12. Press Y or N (ALL DEFECTS WILL BE SHOWN ON THE MONITOR,THEY CAN ALSO BE PRINTED ON LPT1. IS A HARD COPYNEEDED?), then press Enter.13. If you were instructed to perform an UNCONDITIONAL FORMAT, followthe instructions on the screen.14. Prior to formatting, have the customer back up all information.15. Prior to returning the system to the customer, you must reinstall thesystem software on the hard disk.Diagnostic Aids 3-9