Installing the blade server in the BladeCenter unitThe following illustration shows how to remove the blade server from a typicalBladeCenter unit.Notes:v For information about the design of the BladeCenter unit, including the hot-swapblade bays, see the BladeCenter unit Installation and User’s Guide.v The blade server is a hot-swap device. You can install or remove the bladeserver without removing power from the BladeCenter unit. However, you mustturn off the blade server before removing it from the BladeCenter unit.v The maximum number of blade servers that the BladeCenter unit supportsdepends on the BladeCenter unit type and varies by the wattage of the powersupplies that are installed in the BladeCenter unit. For more information aboutdetermining the power requirements for the blade server, see the IBMBladeCenter Power Module Upgrade Guidelines Technical Update for yourBladeCenter unit.v To maintain proper cooling, performance, and system reliability, do not operatethe BladeCenter unit for more than 1 minute without a blade server or filler bladeinstalled in each blade bay.When you remove a filler blade from a blade bay in the BladeCenter unit so thatyou can install a blade server, do not discard the filler blade. You will need thefiller blade if you ever remove the blade server. For future use, store the fillerblade in a static-protective environment, such as the static-protective packagethat comes with the blade server.Attention: If you plan to remove a blade server and reinstall it, be sure to notethe number of the bay that contains the blade server before you remove it. Then,reinstall the blade server in the same bay from which it was removed. Reinstalling ablade server into a different bay than the one from which it was removed couldhave unintended consequences, such as incorrectly reconfiguring the blade server.Some blade server configuration information and update options are establishedaccording to bay number. If you reinstall the blade server into a different bay, youmight have to reconfigure the blade server.Chapter 4. Installing options 31