Altering the flash image of a workstationThe NetVista N70 thin client is CompactFlash card ready. You can add a flashcardto the N70 and use one of the standard IDF files provided or create a custom flashimage. You must install a CompactFlash card into the CompactFlash card riseradapter before downloading software to the CompactFlash card. For moreinformation, see “Installing a customer CompactFlash card” on page 40.The CompactFlash card installed must be large enough to hold the code beingdownloaded. A 32M flash card cannot be used with a 64M IDF. To allow flashimage updates, the thin client with a flash card should have at least, approximately32M more real memory installed then the size of the IDF file.A N70 thin client, booted from a CompactFlash card can provide peer boot supportto other N70 clientsIBM provides a default flash image for the N70 thin client. Customers can createtheir own flash images, adding and removing files from their flash image orimages. The Image Description File (IDF) Builder and Software Description File(SDF) Creator Utility is used to modify the files in flash images.The IDF Builder and SDF Creator Utility require that a NetVista workstation bebooted from a server (network booted, not flash booted). The server must have theIBM NetVista Thin Client for Linux Product (or equivalent tool kit) installed.Notes:1. The IBM NetVista Thin Client for Linux Product is available at the followingURL: Once you install it, the IDF Builder and SDF Creator Utility will also beinstalled on your server.To start the IDF Builder, follow these steps:1. From a network booted workstation, enter the Setup Utility:v Press and hold the following keys on the left side of the keyboard: Shift +Ctrl + Alt.v Hold the keys down for several seconds until the Setup Utility starts.2. If this workstation has a hardware password, enter it when requested.3. From the Setup Utility, click Management / IDF BuilderDefault N70 IDF files are available. IBM also provides other default IDF files.Because these default IDF files may be replaced in future updates of the IBMNetVista Thin Client for Linux product, they are not modifiable from the IDFBuilder. If you wish to customize one of the default IDF files, you should use theSave As option to save the IDF as another file name. You can create new IDF filesusing the IDF Builder. Each IDF file contains a list of SDFs. You can add or removeSDFs from an IDF.Notes:1. Each SDF contains the list of files in the SDF (there is an SDF for the Base OS,an SDF for Navigator browser, and SDF for ICA 6.2, and so on).© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 15