IBM System/370 145 Operating Procedures Manual
Also see for System/370 145: GuideOperating proceduresReference Summary
• CPU STATUS INDICATORS/"EJ,,'~i\// c:::J0@]@J~OO@rnoBE)(;)~~o~o~i:5i'!jC5..5j50oo~o o~"3oo~oo-~-<:!loooooooo~e~~6~oo6~~~~~~ i:5~~0~oo366b6~666,.".",." .• ",. """ ,," "",,,, ,.,,"" "'~'''''''\''~'''''''\I,NOTEI ndicators not described in the chart are forservice personnel and are described in mainte-nance documentation.AOR INV AOR TOO SNG CFEXE COMP CLOCK STOR TRAP TRAP M2 X-LATE CLOCK LOG ECC PWR IMPL000066660000000000n CYCle JlINDICATOR CONDITIONIndlcotes CPU stopped state reached os u result of:1. Pressing the STOP key.EXE CPLT 2. The RATE switch In the INSTRUCTION STEP position.3. A match being detected while In the address match modeof operation.I ndicates that the address (real or logical) being used to accessmain storage matches the address set into switches CDEFGH dur-ADR COMP MATCH ing an address match operation. The action taken by the CPUas a result of the match condition is controlled by the setting ofthe ADDRESS COMPARE CONTROL switch.CLOCK STOP I ndicates that the CPU is in an immediate stop condition (CPUclock not running).TOD CLOCK I NVLD Indicates that the time-of-day clock is invalid. The indicator isturned off by successfully executing a set clock instruction.I ndicates that a log is present in the log area of main storage.LOG PRES When the CHECK CONTROL switch is in the STOP AFTER LOGposition and the LOG PRES indicator is on, run SEREP.SNG ECC CHK Indicates that one of the data or check bits from storage has beencorrected.CF PWR ON Indicates that power is applied to the console file.I ndicates that an operation which resulted in a system reset hasIMPL REOD been initiated. The indicator is turned off when the system resetroutine is executed. An IMPL is required if the indicator remains on.Console I ndicators, Switches, and Keys 9 |
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