oROTARY SWITCHES A THROUGH H8O~/!lo~~ll.~OOO~O ~~oooOoae~OOOOOOOO~e~~oobg~~~sg ~~~~i§oo566666P666C=::::::==~===:J··"·i·C=i·---·"==··-··-·-"-=··===~~~~~~@@@@@@"@@), A CON$m' FILE AbpRn! I I CCDNSO! E FIl' byTE eDlINT 0 I E I F WOAD ADDRESS G I I BYH ~ tHAn flEce; II STORE/DISPLAY ADDRESS ISWITCHES LABEL FUNCTIONDATA Specifies the value of data to be entered on manual store operations.AB CF ADDRESS Specifies the track/sector address of the console file on certaindiagnostic microprogram load operations.CD CONSOLE FILE Provides a service function described in the maintenance documentation.BYTE COUNTCDEFGH MAIN STORAGE Specifies the main storage address for manual store/display operationsADDRESS and for address compare switch functions.EFGH CONTROL STORAGE Used by service personnel to specify a control storage address forADDRESS manual store/display and address compare functions.FG WORD ADDRESS Used to display General-Purpose and Floating-Point Registers.FGH LOAD UNIT Specifies the load-unit address for Initial Program Load (JpL) operations.ADDRESSFGH STORE DISPLAY Used to store/display local storage.ADDRESSH BYTE/X-LATE REGS Specifies the byte to be altered during manual store operations.20