x PrefaceSee the gateway Interoperability Matrix for details about Data ONTAP releasesthat support the gateway, supported switches, supported firmware, capacity, andmaximum array LUN count.Supported features IBM System StorageTM N series products are driven by NetApp Data ONTAPsoftware. Some features described in the product software documentation areneither offered nor supported by IBM. Please contact your local IBMrepresentative or reseller for further details. Information about supported featurescan also be found at the following Web site:Guide name Information includes...InstallationRequirements andReference Guide◆ General guidelines for creating and makingarray LUNs available to gateways◆ Quick start installation instructions forconnecting devices together and for installingData ONTAP on a gateway that uses onlythird-party storage◆ Reference information◆ Detailed background information includinglayout in aggregates and checksumsImplementation Guides ◆ Vendor-specific details about how to set up astorage array to work with gateways.◆ More detailed configuration examples than areprovided in the Installation Requirements andReference Guide.Implementation Guidefor Native Disk ShelvesInformation about setting up the storage on thenative disk shelves connected to the gateway.Data ONTAP SoftwareSetup GuideDetailed steps for setting up the gateway,including information about installing DataONTAP software for installations using only third-party storage. This guide is most helpful toinstallers who are new to Data ONTAP setup andinstallation.Data ONTAP guides Detailed information about all Data ONTAPfeatures used by all systems running Data ONTAP,for example, storage features and data protectionfeatures.