Chapter 5: Moving a Disk Shelf to a Gateway 45Requirements if youwant to preservedata on the diskshelfIf you want to preserve the data on a disk shelf for use with the gateway, therequirements are as follows:◆ Ensure that the combined total of aggregates and volumes on the disk shelfand on array LUNs does not exceed the limits.◆ Turn off Data ONTAP automatic assignment of disks before you move theshelf to the gateway (see “Turning off automatic disk assignment” onpage 49). If desired, you can turn automatic assignment of disks back onafter setup of the disk shelf on the gateway is complete.NoteWith Data ONTAP automatic disk assignment (the default behavior), DataONTAP automatically looks for any unassigned disks on a predeterminedschedule and assigns them to the same system and pool as all other disks onthe same loop.◆ Resolve any duplicated names of aggregates and volumes on the disk shelfyou are moving and the gateway.All aggregate names and volume names on the same system must be unique.If you want to preserve the data on the disk shelf, you need to determinewhether any aggregate and volume names are the same on the two systemsbefore you move the disk shelf to the gateway. If there are duplicates, youneed to rename the duplicated names on the disk shelf you are moving.AttentionData on the disk shelf being moved remains intact through the ownershiptransition if you have followed the steps described in this section aboutpreserving data on the disk shelf.Requirement tochange diskownershipThe disks on the disk shelves you are moving have already have been assigned toan N series storage system. A gateway cannot use disks that an N series storagesystem owns. Therefore, you must remove N series storage system ownership ofthe disks and assign them to a gateway before you move disk shelf from an Nseries storage system to a gateway. See “Reassigning ownership of N seriesstorage system disks to a gateway” on page 50.