Welcome.Thank you for buying anIBM server.This servercontains information for settingup and configuring your server.For detailed information aboutyour server, view the publicationson theYou can also find the mostcurrent information aboutyour server at http://www.ibm.com/support/.Your serveris based on the X-Architecturetechnology, and it featuressuperior performance, availability,and affordability.Documentation CD.Installation Guideservers/eserver/support/xseries/index.htmlInstallation GuideSystem x3950Type 8878System x3950 EType 8879Turn off the serverand install options.Did the serverstart correctly?YesNoGo to the Server Supportflow chart on the reverseside of this page.Start the server.Did the serverstart correctly?YesNoInstall the server in the rack cabinetand cable the server and options;then, restart the server.Was theserver setupcompleted?UseServerGuide toinstall the operatingsystem?The server is ready to use.Go toto register the server.http://www.ibm.com/support/mysupport/Go to the Web for instructions:http://www.ibm.com/support/servers/eserver/support/xseries/index.htmlNoYesYesNoUse the IBMServerGuide programto set up andconfigure hardware.Go to the Server Supportflow chart on the reverseside of this page.Install applications,such as IBM systemsmanagement softwareand IBM ServeRAIDprograms