3IBM System z10 Enterprise Class (z10 EC) OverviewIn today’s world, IT is woven in to almost everything that abusiness does and is consequently pivotal to a business.Some of the key requirements today are the need tomaximize return on investments by deploying resourcesdesigned to drive efficiencies and economies of scale,managing growth through resources that can scale tomeet changing business demands, reducing risk byreducing the threat of lost productivity through downtimeor security breaches, reduce complexity by reversing thetrend of server proliferation and enabling business innova-tion by deploying resources that can help protect existinginvestments while also enabling those new technologiesthat enable business transformation.The IBM System z10™ Enterprise Class (z10™ EC) deliversa world-class enterprise server designed to meet thesebusiness needs. The z10 EC provides new levels of per-formance and capacity for growth and large scale con-solidation, improved security, resiliency and availability toreduce risk, and introduces just in time resource deploy-ment to help respond to changing business requirements.As environmental concerns raise the focus on energyconsumption, the z10 EC is designed to reduce energyusage and save floor space when used to consolidate x86servers. Specialty engines continue to help users expandthe use of the mainframe for a broad set of applications,while helping to lower the cost of ownership. The z10 EC isat the core of the enhanced System z™ platform that deliv-ers technologies that businesses need today along with afoundation to drive future business growth.Just in time deployment of IT resourcesInfrastructures must be more flexible to changing capacityrequirements and provide users with just-in-time deploy-ment of resources. Having the 16 GB dedicated HSA onthe z10 EC means that some preplanning configurationchanges and associated outages may be avoided. IBMCapacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD) provides a perma-nent increase in processing capacity that can be initiatedby the customer.IBM On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD) providestemporary capacity needed for short-term spikes incapacity or for testing new applications. Capacity BackupUpgrade (CBU) can help provide reserved emergencybackup capacity for all processor configurations.A new temporary capacity offering on the z10 EC isCapacity for Planned Events (CPE), a variation on CBU.If unallocated capacity is available in a server, it will allowthe maximum capacity available to be used for plannedevents such as planned maintenance in a data center.The z10 EC introduces a new architectural approach fortemporary offerings that can change the thinking abouton demand capacity. One or more flexible configurationdefinitions can be used to solve multiple temporary situa-tions and multiple capacity configurations can be active atonce. This means that On/Off CoD can be active and up tothree other offerings can be active simultaneously.By having flexible and dynamic configuration definitions,when capacity is needed, activation of any portion of anoffering can be done (for example activation of just twoCBUs out of a definition that has four CBUs is accept-able). And if the definition doesn’t have enough resourcesdefined, an order can easily be processed to increase thecapacity (so if four CBUs aren’t enough it can be redefinedto be six CBUs) as long as enough server infrastructure isavailable to meet maximum needs.