4All activations can be done without having to interact withIBM—when it is determined that capacity is required, nopasswords or phone connections are necessary. As longas the total z10 EC can support the maximums that aredefined, then they can be made available.A new z10 EC feature now makes it possible to add per-manent capacity while a temporary capacity is currentlyactivated, without having to return first to the original con-figuration.The activation of On/Off CoD on z10 EC can be simplifiedor automated by using z/OS Capacity Provisioning (avail-able with z/OS® 1.9). This capability enables the monitoringof multiple systems based on Capacity Provisioning andWorkload Manager (WLM) definitions. When the definedconditions are met, z/OS can suggest capacity changesfor manual activation from a z/OS console, or the systemcan add or remove temporary capacity automatically andwithout operator intervention.Specialty engines offer an attractive alternativeThe z10 EC continues to support the use of specialtyengines that can help users expand the use of the main-frame for new workloads, while helping to lower the cost ofownership.The IBM System z10 Integrated Information Processor(zIIP) works closely with z/OS, which manages and directswork between CPs and the zIIP. It is designed to free upgeneral computing capacity and lower overall total costof computing for select data and transaction process-ing workloads for Business Intelligence (BI), EnterpriseResource Planning (ERP), and Customer RelationshipManagement (CRM). The z10 EC also allows IPSec pro-cessing to take advantage of the zIIP, making the zIIP ahigh-speed IPSec protocol processing engine providingbetter price performance for IPSec processing. IPSec isan open networking standard used to create highly secureconnections between two points in an enterprise.For IBM WebSphere® Application Server and other Java™technology based solutions the IBM System z10 Applica-tion Assist Processor (zAAP) offers a specialized enginethat provides a strategic z/OS Java execution environment.When configured with CPs within logical partitions runningz/OS, zAAPs may help increase general purpose proces-sor productivity and may contribute to lowering the overallcost of computing for z/OS Java technology-based appli-cations. Beginning with z/OS 1.8, z/OS XML System Ser-vices can also take advantage of zAAPs for cost savings.z/VM® 5.3 is designed to provide new guest support forzAAPs and zIIPs and includes:• Simulation support — z/VM guest virtual machines cancreate virtual specialty processors on processor modelsthat support the same types of specialty processors butdon’t necessarily have them installed. Virtual specialtyprocessors are dispatched on real CPs. Simulatingspecialty processors provides a test platform for z/VMguests to exploit mixed-processor configurations. Thisallows users to assess the operational and CPU utiliza-tion implications of configuring a z/OS system with zIIPor zAAP processors without requiring the real specialtyprocessor hardware. This simulation also supportsz/VM’s continuing role as a disaster-recovery platform,since a virtual configuration can be defined to match thereal hardware configuration even when real zIIP or zAAPprocessors are not available on the recovery systemzIIPs can be simulated only on System z10 EC, IBMSystem z9® Enterprise Class (z9™ EC) and IBM Systemz9 Business Class (z9 BC) servers. zAAPs can besimulated only on z10 EC, z9 EC, z9 BC, IBM eServer™zSeries® 990 (z990), and IBM eServer zSeries 890(z890) servers.• Virtualization support — z/VM can create virtual spe-cialty processors for virtual machines by dispatching thevirtual processors on corresponding specialty proces-sors of the same type in the real configuration. Guestsupport for zAAPs and zIIPs may help improve your totalcost of ownership by allowing available zAAP and zIIP