__ c. Fill the slot 3’s: D33, D38, D48__ d. Fill the slot 4’s: D34, D39, D49__ e. Fill the slot 5’s: D35, D40, D50__ 2. Your expansion unit requires a second high-speed disk-unit controller beforeyou can install disk units into the following positions. Contact IBM or anauthorized dealer if your expansion unit does not have a second high-speeddisk-unit controller (IOA Card 2).Next fill the positions in (IOA Card 2) this sequence:__ a. Fill the slot 1’s: D01, D11, D21__ b. Fill the slot 2’s: D02, D12, D22__ c. Fill the slot 3’s: D03, D13, D23__ d. Fill the slot 4’s: D04, D14, D24__ e. Fill the slot 5’s: D05, D15, D25__ 3. Your expansion unit requires a third high-speed disk-unit controller beforeyou can install disk units into the following positions. Contact IBM or anauthorized dealer if your expansion unit does not have a third high-speeddisk-unit controller (IOA Card 3).Last fill the positions in (IOA Card 3) this sequence:__ a. Fill the slot 1’s: D06, D16, D26__ b. Fill the slot 2’s: D07, D17, D27__ c. Fill the slot 3’s: D08, D18, D28__ d. Fill the slot 4’s: D09, D19, D29__ e. Fill the slot 5’s: D10, D20, D305075 and 5095 expansion unit40 43xx Disk Unit, 71xx Disk Expansion Unit, 71xx Disk Unit Enclosure V5R3