HD AVS Standalone DVR User’s Manual18Right clickmouseIn real-time monitor mode, pops up shortcut menu: one-window,four-window, nine-window and sixteen-window, Pan/Tilt/Zoom, colorsetting, search, record, alarm input, alarm output, main menu.Among which, Pan/Tilt/Zoom and color setting applies for currentselected channel.If you are in multiple-window mode, system automatically switches tothe corresponding channel.Exit current menu without saving the modification.PressmiddlebuttonIn numeral input box: Increase or decrease numeral value.Switch the items in the check box.Page up or page downMovemouseSelect current control or move controlDragmouseSelect motion detection zoneSelect privacy mask zone.2.6 Virtual Keyboard & Front Panel2.6.1 Virtual KeyboardThe system supports two input methods: numeral input and English character (small andcapitalized) input.Move the cursor to the text column, the text is shown as blue, input button pops up on theright. Click that button to switch between numeral input and English input (capitalized andsmall), Use > or < to shift between small character and capitalized character.2.6.2 Front PanelMove the cursor to the text column. Click Fn key and use direction keys to select numberyou wanted. Please click enter button to input.