KINO-QM770 Mini-ITX SBCPage 183AC ’97 Audio Codec 97 (AC’97) refers to a codec standard developed by Intel®in 1997.ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) is an OS-directedconfiguration, power management, and thermal management interface.AHCI Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI) is a SATA Host controllerregister-level interface.ATA The Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) interface connects storagedevices including hard disks and CD-ROM drives to a computer.ARMD An ATAPI Removable Media Device (ARMD) is any ATAPI device thatsupports removable media, besides CD and DVD drives.ASKIR Amplitude Shift Keyed Infrared (ASKIR) is a form of modulation thatrepresents a digital signal by varying the amplitude (“volume”) of thesignal. A low amplitude signal represents a binary 0, while a highamplitude signal represents a binary 1.BIOS The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) is firmware that is first run whenthe computer is turned on and can be configured by the end userCODEC The Compressor-Decompressor (CODEC) encodes and decodes digitalaudio data on the system.CompactFlash® CompactFlash® is a solid-state storage device. CompactFlash® devicesuse flash memory in a standard size enclosure. Type II is thicker thanType I, but a Type II slot can support both types.CMOS Complimentary metal-oxide-conductor is an integrated circuit used inchips like static RAM and microprocessors.COM COM refers to serial ports. Serial ports offer serial communication toexpansion devices. The serial port on a personal computer is usually amale DB-9 connector.DAC The Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) converts digital signals to analogsignals.DDR Double Data Rate refers to a data bus transferring data on both the risingand falling edges of the clock signal.