30The above details correspond as far as possible to the recommendations of the NAMUR work-ing party (NAMUR recommendations for the design of electrical plug connections for analogueand digital signal transmission on individual items of laboratory control equipment, rev� 1�1)�The NAMUR commands and the additional specific IKA commands commissioning serve onlyas low level commands for communication between the device and the PC� With a suitable ter-minal or communications program these commands can be transmitted directly to the device�The IKA software package, Labworldsoft ®, provides a convenient tool for controlling deviceand collecting data under MS Windows, and includes graphical entry features, for motor speedramps for example�NAMUR Commands FunctionIN_NAME Read the device nameIN_PV_1 Read actual external sensor valueIN_PV_2 Read actual hotplate sensor valueIN_PV_4 Read stirring speed valueIN_PV_5 Read viscosity trend valueIN_SP_1 Read rated temperature valueIN_SP_3 Read rate set safety temperature valueIN_SP_4 Read rate speed valueOUT_SP_1_x(x=0���310)Adjust the set temperature valueOUT_SP_4_x(x=0���1500)Adjust the set speed valueSTART_1 Start the heaterSTOP_1 Stop the heaterSTART_4 Start the motorSTOP_4 Stop the motorRESET Switch to normal operating modeSET_MODE_n(n=A, B, or D)Set operating modeOUT_SP_12@n Setting WD safety limit temperature with set value echoOUT_SP_42@n Setting WD safety limit speed with set value echoOUT_WD1@m Watchdog mode 1: if event WD1 should occur, the heating and stirringfunctions are switched off and Er02 is displayed� Set watchdog time to m(20 - 1,500) seconds, with watchdog time echo� This command launches thewatchdog function and must be transmitted within the set watchdog time�OUT_WD2@m Watchdog mode 2: if event WD2 should occur, the speed target value ischanged to the WD safety speed limit and the temperature target value ischanged to the WD safety temperature limit value� The warning WD is dis-played� The WD2 event can be reset with OUT_WD2@0 - this also stopsthe watchdog function� Set watchdog time to m (20 - 1,500) seconds, withwatchdog time echo� This command launches the watchdog function andmust be transmitted within the set watchdog time�