How to useA, Baby unit (transmitter)1. Switch the power on by pushing thePower switch (1) from O to I. Whenthe power is on, the Power supplyindicator (3) lights up steady green.If the indicator starts blinking red,the unit needs to be charged.2. Select one of the ten channels onthe Channel selector (8). You needto use a coin or similar object toturn the channel selector to thedesired position. This is a precautionto prevent the unit from switchingchannels accidentally.3. You can adjust the sensitivity of themicrophone from 1 to 8 using theMicrophone sensitivity control (2).The microphone is most sensitive tosound when it is set to 8, and leastsensitive when it is set to 1. If thereis a lot of background noise, it’s agood idea to lower the microphonesensitivity. If the surroundings arequiet, the microphone sensitivity canbe set higher.4. The Transmitting indicator (4) lightsup red when it picks up sound. Itstays lit for 5 seconds after the soundhas stopped, before it goes back tostand-by mode. In stand-by mode,the light is green. While in stand-bymode, the baby unit emits a signal tothe adult unit at regular intervals tomake sure they are in contact witheach other. This is indicated by thered light.5. Place the baby unit near your child,with the microphone facing the child.Make sure the unit is close enoughto pick up sounds from your child,but not so close that your child canreach it. 1 metre (3.2 feet) is a gooddistance.B, Adult unit (receiver)NOTE! Make sure the adult unit is at leasta couple of metres away from the babyunit before you switch it on. If the unitsare too close to each other, feedbackbetween the units can create a loudscreeching noise.1. Switch the power on by pushing thePower switch (9) from O to I. Whenthe power is on, the Power supplyindicator (11) lights up steady green.If the indicator starts blinking red,the unit needs to be charged.2. Select the same channel for thisunit as for the baby unit, using theChannel selector (16). In case younotice any interference or staticnoises, select another channel andimplement on both units.8