Packaging material The packaging material is environmentally-friendly and recyclable. Plastic parts aremarked with international abbreviationssuch as PE, PS, etc. Dispose of the packag-ing material in the containers provided forthis purpose at your local waste manage-ment facility.IKEA GUARANTEEHow long is the IKEA guarantee valid?This guarantee is valid for five (5) yearsfrom the original date of purchase of Yourappliance at IKEA, unless the appliance isnamed LAGAN in which case two (2) yearsof guarantee apply. The original sales re-ceipt is required as proof of purchase. Ifservice work is carried out under guarantee,this will not extend the guarantee period forthe appliance,Which appliances are not covered by theIKEA five (5) years guarantee?The range of appliances named LAGANand all appliances purchased in IKEA be-fore 1st of August 2007Who will execute the service?IKEA service provider will provide the serv-ice through its own service operations orauthorized service partner network.What does this guarantee cover?The guarantee covers faults of the appli-ance, which have been caused by faultyconstruction or material faults from the dateof purchase from IKEA. This guarantee ap-plies to domestic use only. The exceptionsare specified under the headline “What isnot covered under this guarantee?” Withinthe guarantee period, the costs to remedythe fault e.g. repairs, parts, labour and trav-el will be covered, provided that the appli-ance is accessible for repair without specialexpenditure. On these conditions the EUguidelines (Nr. 99/44/EG) and the respec-tive local regulations are applicable. Re-placed parts become the property of IKEA.What will IKEA do to correct the problem?IKEA appointed service provider will exam-ine the product and decide, at its sole dis-cretion, if it is covered under this guarantee.If considered covered, IKEA service provideror its authorized service partner through itsown service operations, will then, at its solediscretion, either repair the defective prod-uct or replace it with the same or a compa-rable product.What is not covered under thisguarantee?• Normal wear and tear.• Deliberate or negligent damage, dam-age caused by failure to observe operat-ing instructions, incorrect installation or byconnection to the wrong voltage, dam-age caused by chemical or electro-chem-ical reaction, rust, corrosion or waterdamage including but not limited to dam-age caused by excessive lime in the wa-ter supply, damage caused by abnormalenvironmental conditions.• Consumable parts including batteriesand lamps.• Non-functional and decorative partswhich do not affect normal use of the ap-pliance, including any scratches and pos-sible color differences.• Accidental damage caused by foreignobjects or substances and cleaning or un-blocking of filters, drainage systems orsoap drawers.ENGLISH 19