5 - 5121211• Operating frequency:136.000 MHz (L-band)146.000 MHz (H-band)• High/Low switch : Low• Connect the RF power meter or 50 Ωdummy load to the antenna connector.• Transmitting• Transmitting• Operating frequency:136.000 MHz (L-band)146.000 MHz (H-band)• High/Low switch : Low• Transmitting• High/Low switch : High• Transmitting• Operating frequency:136.000 MHz (L-band)146.000 MHz (H-band)• High/Low switch : Low• Connect the audio generator to the[MIC] jack and set as:1.0 kHz/150 mVrms• Set the FM deviation meter as:HPF : OFFLPF : 20 kHzDe-emphasis : OFFDetector : (P–P)/2• Transmitting• Operating frequency:143.000 MHz (L-band)160.000 MHz (H-band)• High/Low switch : Low• No audio applied to the [MIC] jack.• DTCS code : 007• TransmittingREFERENCEFREQUENCY[TXF]OUTPUTPOWER[POWER(LO)][POWER(HI)]FMDEVIATION[MOD]DTCS WAVEFORM[DTCS BAL]ToppanelToppanelToppanelToppanelLoosely couple a frequnecycounter to the antenna connec-tor.Connect an RF power meter tothe antenna connector.Connect an FM deviation meterto the antenna connectorthrough the attenuator.Connect an FM deviation meterwith an oscilloscope to theantenna connector through anattenuator.136.00000 MHz(L-band)146.00000 MHz(H-band)136.001360 MHz(L-band)146.001460 MHz(H-band)1.0 W5.0 W±4.1 kHz (W-type)±2.0 kHz (N-type)ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT CONDITION MEASUREMENT VALUEUNIT LOCATION5-3 SOFTWARE ADJUSTMENTSelect an operation using [↑] / [↓] keys, then set specified value using [←] / [→] keys on the connected computer keyboard.Set to flat waveform