244 BIIS OPERATIONDD Programming an SDM memory(10-keypad version is required)q During standby condition, push [P1] (Digital) twice, thenpush [UP] or [DOWN] to select the desired SDM to be edit-ed.w Push [M] or [#] to enter the message editing condition.• The first character blinks when [#] is pushed, the last characterblinks when [M] is pushed as below.e Push the appropriate digit key, [0] to [9], to enter thedesired character.• See the table at right for the available characters.• Pushing [UP] also enters space, pushing [DOWN] deletes theselected character.r Push [#] to move the cursor to the right, push [M] to movethe cursor to the left.t Repeat steps e and r to set the desired text message.y Push [P1] (Digital) for 1 sec. to overwrite the set contentinto the memory.• Push [P1] (Digital) momentarily to cancel the editing and return tothe original message indication.• Available charactersNOTE: A decimal point can only be written with the CS-F33G CLONING SOFTWARE . Pre-programmed characterscan be rewritten with the 10-keypad, except for the deci-mal point, as it is not included in the transceiver characterlist, and cannot be displayed again.Key[0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]Characters(0)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(.)(Space)(A)(D)(G)(J)(M)(P)(T)(W)(!)(#)(B)(E)(H)(K)(N)(Q)(U)(X)(?)(✱)(C)(F)(I)(L)(O)(R)(V)(Y)(’)(/)(a)(d)(g)(j)(m)(S)(t)(Z)(")(+)(b)(e)(h)(k)(n)(p)(u)(w)(,)(—)(c)(f)(i)(l)(o)(q)(v)(x)(;)(=)(r)(y)(:)(_) (() ()) (<) (>) ([) (])(/)(&) (%) ($) (@) (^)(s)(z)