83SELECTING A CHANNEL/FREQUENCY■ Selecting a frequencyThe transceiver has 0.5 to 30.0 MHz general cover-age receive capability, with 100 Hz resolution. Thereceive frequency can be changed instantly, inde-pendent of the transmit frequency.NOTE: The selected frequency is used for tempo-rary receiving (transmitting is not available). Thisfrequency is cleared once the channel is changed.If you want to program a frequency refer to p. 12,memory programming.D Using the channel selectorq Select a channel which is programmed near thefrequency you want receive.w Push the [CE] key to select frequency selectionmode.• “►” appears on the display.e Rotate the [CHANNEL] selector to change the fre-quency.r To return to the previous frequency push [CE].• “►” disappears and the previous frequency or channelname appears.D Using the keypadCAUTION: A frequency can be entered into a userchannel or ITU simplex channelby pushing the[RX] key. However, when pushing and holding the[RX] key after entering a frequency. The previoustyprogrammed contents are erased and cannot beretrieved. Therefore, keypad entry should be usedonly on spare channels.q Select the memory channel to be used for generalcoverage use.w Push [CE] to select frequency selection mode.• “►” appears on the display.e Enter the desired frequency with 5 or 6 digits.r Push [RX] to input the frequency.• Do not hold [RX] for more than 0.5 seconds,otherwise the frequency will be programmed intothe channel.[EXAMPLE]: Setting 12.3450 MHzRXD U PRXD U P►No “►” indicator shows that the channelwill be changed when rotating [CHANNEL].“►” and the frequency show that thefrequency can be changed.CE►►►►RXCE12 34 50RXCESelect non frequencyprogrammed channel.►RX(momentarily)After temporarily receiving.