198SET MODE8D LCD contrast selection “LC”The contrast of the LCD can be adjusted from 4 levels.• 1 (bright)–4 (dark); 3 (default)D Auto power save function “PS”The auto power save function reduces current drain by de-activating the receiver circuit for preset intervals.• ON : The power save function is turned ON. The power save func-tion will activate when no signal is received, and no operationis performed for 5 sec.• OFF: The power save function is turned OFF.D Self check function “SC”The self check function checks the transceiver conditionsby itself, and informs you in case a problem is found. Selfcheck automatically and quickly runs through its diagnosticsteps each time the radio is turned ON. Afterwards, the radioswitches to normal operation mode.• Temperature : Outside of –35°C to +73°C; –31°F to +163°F(approx.)• Connected battery voltageWhen error messages as shown below are displayed, seetroubleshooting for advice. (p. 28)Pushdefault brightPushPower save ON (default) Power save OFFPushSelf check OFF (default) Self check ONTemperature error Battery voltage error