5-1 PREPARATION BEFORE SERVICINGThe receiver (IC-PCR100) can be adjusted by sendingadjustment data to the RS-232C port via a PC. Most of theadjustments in this section must use EX-2206, an adjust-ment program for IC-PCR100. The software that comes withthe IC-PCR100 is not necessary for adjustments in this sec-tion.M SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS• IBM PC compatible computer• An RS-232C serial port (38400 bps or faster)• Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98• Intel i486DX4 processor or faster (pentium 100 MHz orfaster recommended)• At least 16 MB RAM• At least 10 MB of hard disk space• 640 5 480 pixel display (800 5 600 pixel display recom-mended)MM SOFTWARE INSTALLATIONNOTE: Before using the program, make a backup copy ofthe original disk. After making a backup copy, keep theoriginal disk in a safe place.q Boot up Windows.- Quit all applications when Windows is running.w Insert the backup disk 1 into the appropriate floppydrive.e Select ‘Run’ from the [Start] menu.r Type the setup program name using the full path name,then push the [Enter] key. (A:\ setup [Enter])t Follow the prompts.y Program group ‘IC-PCR100’ appears in the ‘Programs’folder of the [Start] menu.MM OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSThe adjustment program window contains 3 panels; thePower Panel, Control Panel and Adjustment Panel. ThePower Panel will appear at start up the program.q Connect IC-PCR100 and PC with an RS-232C serialcable.w Boot up Windows.e Click the “EX-2206 for IC-PCR100” in the programgroup ‘IC-PCR100’ to start the program.• The Power Panel appears.r Click “POWER ON” on the Power panel.• Control Panel and Adjustment Panel appear.t Click “START” on the Adjustment Panel when startingthe SOFTWARE adjustment.• Data panel appears at the bottom side of theAdjustment panel.y Click “Read ALL DATA” on the Adjustment Panel.• Application reads adjustment data of the connectedreceiver.u Set or modify adjustment data as desired. See the fol-lowing SOFTWARE adjustments.IBM is a registered trademark of International BusinessMachines Corporation in the U.S.A and other countries.Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks ofMicrosoft Corporation in the U.S.A and other countries.Screen shots produced with permission from MicrosoftCorporation. All other products or brands are registeredtrademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.SECTION 5 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES5 - 1Groundto a standard signal generator0.01–1500 MHz–17 to –125 dBm0.13 μV to 32 mVto a power supply13.8 V DC/1.0 Ato anRS-232C portExternal speakerPersonal computerto an AC millivoltmeteror distortion meterM BASIC CONNECTION