11BASIC OPERATION2■ Setting the squelch levelThe squelch circuit mutes the received audio signal, de-pending on the signal strength.Rotateq [VOL] to turn the transceiver power OFF.Setw [ROTARY SELECTOR] to any channel other thanChannel 16.While holding downe [Upper], rotate [VOL] to turn ON thepower and enter the squelch level adjustment mode.Pushr [Upper] to increase the squelch level (tight squelch),or push [Lower] to decrease the squelch level (loosesquelch).• The adjustable range is 0 (loose squelch) to 9 (tight squelch).• A beep sounds after pushing [Upper] or [Lower]. An errorbeep sounds if you try to exceed the adjustable range. There-fore, you can determine the current level setting by the increas-ing loudness of the beep that sounds.Rotatet [VOL] to turn OFF the power, then ON again to exitthe squelch level adjustment mode.NOTE: This operation may not be selectable, dependingon the presetting. Ask your dealer for details.[ROTARY SELECTOR][VOL][Upper][Lower]