73BASIC OPERATION3ïï U.S.A., international and Canadian channelsThe IC-M504 is pre-programmed with 57 U.S.A., 57 interna-tional and 61 Canadian channels. These channel groups maybe specified for the operating area.q Push [CH/WX•DUAL•U/I/C] to select a regular channel.• If a weather channel appears, push [CH/WX•DUAL•U/I/C] again.w While pushing and holding [H/L], push [CH/WX•DUAL•U/I/C] to change the channel group, if necessary.• U.S.A., International and Canadian channel groups can be se-lected in sequence.e Rotate [DIAL] to select a channel.• “DDUUPP” appears for duplex channels.ïï Weather channelsThe IC-M504 has 10 pre-programmed weather channels.These are used for monitoring broadcasts from NOAA (Na-tional Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.)The transceiver can automatically detect a weather alert toneon the selected weather channel while receiving the channel,during standby on a regular channel or while scanning. (p. 56)q Push [CH/WX•DUAL•U/I/C] once or twice to select aweather channel.• “WWXX” appears when a weather channel is selected.• “WWXX AALLEERRTT” appears when the Weather Alert function is inuse. (p. 56)w Rotate [DIAL] to select a channel.WXWX ALERTALERT3434°34.506N34.506N123123°23.236W23.236WUTCUTC 1212:00:00163163.275MHz.275MHzWXWX3434°34.506N34.506N123123°23.236W23.236WUTCUTC 1212:00:00163163.275MHz.275MHzPush once or twiceWhen weather alert is OFF. When weather alert is ON.25W25W USAUSA3434°34.506N34.506N123123°23.236W23.236WUTCUTC 1212:00:00 PORTPORT OPROPR25W25W INTINTDUPDUP3434°34.506N34.506N123123°23.236W23.236WUTCUTC 1212:00:00 TELEPHONETELEPHONE25W25W CANCAN3434°34.506N34.506N123123°23.236W23.236WUTCUTC 1212:00:00 CCGCCGPush +