iiiRADIO OPERATOR WARNINGIcom requires the radio operator to meet theFCC Requirements for Radio Frequency Expo-sure. An omnidirectional antenna with gain notgreater than 9 dBi must be mounted a minimumof 5 meters (measured from the lowest point ofthe antenna) vertically above the main deck andall possible personnel. This is the minimum safe separationdistance estimated to meet all RF exposure compliance re-quirements. This 5 meter distance is based on the FCC SafeMaximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) distance of 3 metersadded to the height of an adult (2 meters) and is appropriatefor all vessels.For watercraft without suitable structures, the antenna mustbe mounted so as to maintain a minimum of 1 meter verticallybetween the antenna, (measured from the lowest point of theantenna), to the heads of all persons AND all persons muststay outside of the 3 meter MPE radius.Do not transmit with radio and antenna when persons arewithin the MPE radius of the antenna, unless such persons(such as driver or radio operator) are shielded from antennafield by a grounded metallic barrier. The MPE Radius is theminimum distance from the antenna axis that person shouldmaintain in order to avoid RF exposure higher than the allow-able MPE level set by FCC.W AR N IN GFAILURE TO OBSERVE THESE LIMITS MAY ALLOWTHOSE WITHIN THE MPE RADIUS TO EXPERIENCE RFRADIATION ABSORPTION WHICH EXCEEDS THE FCCMAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) LIMIT.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE RADIO OPERATORTO ENSURE THAT THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPO-SURE LIMITS ARE OBSERVED AT ALL TIMES DURINGRADIO TRANSMISSION. THE RADIO OPERATOR IS TOENSURE THAT NO BYSTANDERS COME WITHIN THERADIUS OF THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURELIMITS.Determining MPE RadiusTHE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) RA-DIUS HAS BEEN ESTIMATED TO BE A RADIUS OFABOUT 3M PER OET BULLETIN 65 OF THE FCC.THIS ESTIMATE IS MADE ASSUMING THE MAXIMUMPOWER OF THE RADIO AND ANTENNAS WITH A MAXI-MUM GAIN OF 9dBi ARE USED FOR A SHIP MOUNTEDSYSTEM.