33INSTALLATIONicos system - Installation and Servicing40 HANDING OVER8. Loss of system water pressureExplain that the dial underneath the boiler indicates thecentral heating system pressure and that if the normalCOLD pressure of the system is seen to decrease over aperiod of time then a water leak is indicated. Explain there-pressurising procedure and if unable to re-pressuriseor if the pressure continues to drop a CORGI registeredinstaller should be consulted. In IE consult a CompetentPerson.WARNING.Do not fire the boiler if the pressure has reduced to zerofrom the original setting.9. After installation and commissioning please completethe Commissioning Checklist beforehandover to the customer.For IE, its is necessary to complete a “Declaration ofConformity” to indicate compliance to I.S. 813:2002.10. IMPORTANTStress the importance of regular servicing by a CORGIregistered installer and that a comprehensive serviceshould be carried out AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR. In IEservicing work must be carried out by a CompetentPerson.11. As the installer you may wish to undertake the servicecontract yourself or alternatively offer to the customer thebenefits of the Ideal Care Scheme, details of which areoutlined in the householder pack supplied with this boiler.1. Hand the User Instructions to the householder andexplain his/her responsibilities under the relevantnational regulations.2. Explain and demonstrate the lighting and shuttingdown procedures.3. The operation of the boiler and the use and adjustmentof all system controls should be fully explained to thehouseholder, to ensure the greatest possible fueleconomy consistent with the household requirements ofheating.Advise the User of the precautions necessary to preventdamage to the system and to the building in the eventof the system remaining inoperative during frostyconditions.4. Explain the function and the use of the boiler heatingcontrols.5. Explain the function of the boiler fault mode.Emphasise that if a fault is indicated, the boiler shouldbe turned off and a CORGI registered installerconsulted. In IE contact a Competent Person.6. Explain and demonstrate the function of time andtemperature controls, radiator valves etc., for theeconomic use of the system.7. If any programmer is fitted then draw attention to theProgrammer Users Instructions and hand them to thehouseholder.After completing the installation and commissioning of the system theinstaller should hand over to the householder by the following actions:INSTALLATION