34SERVICINGicos system - Installation and Servicing41 SERVICING SCHEDULETo ensure the continued safe and efficient operation of theappliance it is recommended that it is checked at regularintervals and serviced as necessary. The frequency ofservicing will depend upon the installation condition and usagebut should be carried out at least annually.It is the law that any service work must be carried out by aCORGI registered installer. In IE service work must becarried out by a competent person.1. Light the boiler and carry out a pre-service check, notingany operational faults.2. Check the gas consumption.3. Connect a suitable gas analyser to the sampling point onthe top of the boiler (refer to Frame 43) or into the flueterminal if access is possible (optional test).For correct boiler operation the CO/CO 2 content of the fluegas should not be greater than 0.004 ratio. If this is thecase, and the gas input is at least 90% of the nominal,then no further action need be taken. If not, proceed toStep 4 but see note above.4. Clean the main burner.5. Clean the heat exchanger and 'S' trap.6. Check the condition of the combustion chamberinsulation. Any cracked/damaged pieces should bereplaced.7. Check the main injector for blockage or damage.8. Wherever possible remove and clean the condensate 'S'trap (refer to Frame 47) and check the drain for blockage.9. Check that the flue terminal is unobstructed and that theflue system is sealed correctly.The servicing procedures are covered more fully in Frames42 to 49 and MUST be carried out in sequence.Note. In order to carry out either servicing or replacement ofcomponents the boiler front panel and sealing panelmust be removed. Refer to Frames 42 and 43.WARNING. Always turn OFF the gas supply at the gasservice cock, and switch OFF and disconnect theelectricity supply to the appliance before servicing.IMPORTANT.10. After completing the servicing or exchange of componentsalways test for gas soundness and carry out functionalchecks as in 2 and 3 above.11. When work is complete the sealing panel MUST becorrectly refitted, ensuring that a good seal is made.Do NOT OPERATE the boiler if the sealingpanel is not fitted12. If, for any reason, the condensate trap 'S' has beenremoved ensure that the trap is refilled with water beforereassembly.13. Complete the service section in the BenchmarkCommissioning Checklist.42 BOILER FRONT PANEL REMOVAL1. Remove the 2 retaining screws from theunderside of the boiler.2. Pull the panel forward at the bottom andlift to disengage it from the top lugs.SERVICING