10Henrad SE FF - InstallationGENERALNote.The pump manufacturers' minimum requirements must be complied with.Note. Themethod of filling, refilling, topping up orflushing sealed primary hot water circuit from themains via a temporary hose connection is onlyallowed if acceptable to the local water authority.5 LOW HEAD AND LARGE SYSTEMS WITH EXTENSIVE PIPE RUNS - OPEN VENTAll dimensions in mm (in.).NB. Imperial dimensions are approximate6 SEALED SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSThis arrangement is useful for large systems whereradiators at the extremities are difficult to vent. This canlead to pumping over with conventional feed and ventarrangements.The following conditions MUST be observed:1. The top of the automatic air vent must be below thecold water level.2. The static water level (cold) must be at least 200mmabove the top of the horizontal flow pipe, fitted asshown. The vent connection MUST NOT be madeimmediately off the top of the boiler as venting is madeless efficient.3. The maximum practical length of 22mm cold feed pipeshould be used in order to reduce the effective volumeof hot system water expanding into the feed/expansioncistern to a minimum.a. A non-adjustable preset lift pressure not exceeding 3bar(45lb/in 2 ).b. A manual testing device.c. Provision for connection of a discharge pipe.The valve or discharge pipe should be positioned so thatthe discharge of water or steam cannot create a hazard tothe occupants of the premises or cause damage toelectrical components and wiring.3. Pressure GaugeA pressure gauge covering at least the range 0-4 bar(0-60 lb/in2 ) must be fitted to the system. The gauge shouldbe easily seen from the filling point and should preferably beconnected at the same point as the expansion vessel.1. Generala. Theinstallationmust complywith therequirementsof BS. 6798and BS.5449.b. Theinstallationshould bedesigned towork with flowtemperatures of upto 82° C.c. All components of the system, including the heatexchanger of the indirect cylinder, must be suitablefor a working pressure of 3 bar (45lb/in 2 ) andtemperature of 110°C. Care should be taken inmaking all connections so that the risk of leakageis minimised.2. Safety ValveA spring loaded safety valve complying with the relevantrequirements of BS. 6759 must be fitted in the flowpipe as close to the boiler as possible and with nointervening valve or restriction. The valve should havethe following features: