7Minimiser - InstallationGENERALall dimensions in mm (in.)3 OPEN VENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS4 SCHEMATIC PIPEWORK AND SYSTEM BALANCINGThe system should be vented directly off the boiler flow pipe, asclose to the boiler as possible. The cold feed entry should beinverted and MUST be positioned between the pump and the vent,and not more than 150mm (6") away from the vent connection.Note. Combined feed and vent pipes may also be fitted.There should be a minimum height, 450mm (18"), of open ventabove the cistern water level. If this is not possible refer toFrame 5. The vertical distance between the highest point of thesystem and the feed/expansion cistern water level MUST not beless than 450 mm (18"). The pump must be fitted on the flow sideof the boiler.The boiler does not normally need abypass but at least some radiators on theheating circuit, of load at least 60% of theboiler output, must be provided with twinlockshield valves so that this minimumheating load is always available (seefootnote re. thermostatic radiator valves).Balancing1. Set the programmer to ON for bothCH and HW. Turn the cylinderthermostat down. Close the manual orthermostatic valves on all radiators,leaving the twin lockshield valves (onthe radiators referred to above) in theopen position. Turn up the roomthermostat and adjust these lockshieldvalves to give boiler flow and returntemperatures not more than 15°Capart. These valves should now be leftas set.Return & flow connectionsFF 30 - 60 = 22 mmFF 70 - 80 = 28 mmThermostatic Radiator ValvesCaradon Ideal Ltd. support the recommendations made in BS. 5449,and by leading manufacturers of domestic heating controls, thatheating systems utilising the thermostatic radiator valve control oftemperature in individual rooms shall also be fitted with a roomthermostat, controlling the temperature in a space served by radiatorsnot fitted with such a valve.Such an arrangement will provide for potentially more efficient controlof the environment and will also avoid the continuous running of thecirculation pump during programmed heating ON periods - thussaving electrical energy.It is, therefore, strongly recommended that, when thermostaticradiator valves are used, space heating temperature control over aliving/dining area or a hallway having a heating requirement of atleast 60% of the boiler heat output, is achieved using a roomthermostat whilst other rooms are individually controlled bythermostatic radiator valves.A suitable pump is a domestic circulator capable of providing a maximum 11°C(20°F) temperature differential across the boiler with the whole of the heatingcircuit open (e.g. Grundfos UPS 15/50, 15/60 or equivalent). With the minimumflow circuit allowed by the controls the differential must not exceed 15 °C.The vertical distance between the pump and feed/expansion cistern MUSTcomply with the pump manufacturer's minimum requirements, to avoidcavitation. Should these conditions not apply either lower the pump position orraise the cistern above the minimum requirement specified by Caradon IdealLtd. The isolation valves should be fitted as close to the pump as possible.2. Open all manual or thermostatic radiatorvalves and adjust the lockshield valves onremaining radiators to give around 11°Ctemperature drop at each radiator.3. Turn up the cylinder thermostat and adjust thecylinder balancing valve so that the cylinderachieves a maximum flow consistent withadequate flow to the radiators. Check that withonly the domestic hot water loop in circuit adifferential temperature of 15 °C across theboiler is not exceeded.4. Adjust room and cylinder thermostats andprogrammer to NORMAL settings.