APPLICATIONS – BPx MODELSTo the right are several applicationdiagrams to help plan your subwoofersystem installation. Figures 1 through 3show how to configure the JBL PowerSeries subwoofer amplifiers (modelsBPx500.1, BPx1100.1 and BPx2200.1)for 2-channel, bridged-mono andparallel-mono operation“Setting the O utput Mode” on page 6).NOTE: For simplicity, Figures 1 through3 do not show power, remote and inputconnections.NOTE: If the nominal impedanceof your speaker system is close to2 ohms, be prepared to try bothbridged and parallel configurations todetermine which performs better.BPx Amplifier(partial rear panel)*SEE MANUAL FOR PARALLEL CONNECTION2 CHANNELBRIDGEDPARALLEL*CH 1 CH 2SPEAKER OUTPUTSNEONSubwoofer SubwooferSet OUTPUT MODEto 2CH/BR(on input panel)PARALLEL 2CH/BROUTPUT MODE12dB 24dB32Hz 320HzFREQSLOPEX-OVERBPx Amplifier(partial rear panel)*SEE MANUAL FOR PARALLEL CONNECTION2 CHANNELBRIDGEDPARALLEL*CH 1 CH 2SPEAKER OUTPUTSNEONSubwoofer (less than 2 ohms)Set OUTPUT MODEto PARALLEL(on input panel)PARALLEL 2CH/BROUTPUT MODE12dB 24dB32Hz 320HzFREQSLOPEX-OVERjumperFigure 1. The JBL Power Seriessubwoofer amplifier is set to2-channel mode to drive a pairof subwoofers.Figure 2. The JBL Power Seriessubwoofer amplifier is set tobridged (mono) mode to drivea single subwoofer. Use thismode only when the nominalimpedance of the speakersystem is 2 ohms or greater.Figure 3. The JBL Power Seriessubwoofer amplifier is set toparallel mode to drive a singlesubwoofer. Use this mode onlywhen the nominal impedanceof the speaker system is lessthan 2 ohms.NOTE: A jumper is addedbetween the + terminals.BPx Amplifier(partial rear panel)*SEE MANUAL FOR PARALLEL CONNECTION2 CHANNELBRIDGEDPARALLEL*CH 1 CH 2SPEAKER OUTPUTSNEONSubwoofer (2 ohms or greater)Set OUTPUT MODEto 2CH/BR(on input panel)PARALLEL 2CH/BROUTPUT MODE12dB 24dB32Hz 320HzFREQSLOPEX-OVERower Series Amp OM 5/20/03 10:51 AM Page 3Power Amplifier BPX1100.1