TROUBLESHOOTINGSYMPTOM LIKELY CAUSE SOLUTIONNo audio No voltage at BATT+ Check voltages at(POWER LED or REM terminals, amplifier terminalsis off) or bad or no ground with VOMconnectionNo audio DC voltage on Amplifier may need(PROTECT LED amplifier output service; see enclosedflashes every warranty card for4 sec.) service informationNo audio Amplifier is Make sure amplifier(PROTECT overheated cooling is not blockedLED is on) at mounting location;verify speaker-systemimpedance is withinspecified limits (see“Specifications” on thenext page)No audio Voltage less than 9V on Check vehicle(PROTECT BATT+ connection charging system forand POWER defective voltageLEDs flash) regulatorI-E/OPT LED Amplifier is being Check INPUTis on all times overdriven LEVEL setting;(not flashing) see previous pageNo audio Voltage more than 16V Check vehicle(PROTECT or less than 8.5V on charging system forLED is on) BATT+ connection defective voltageregulatorDistorted audio Input sensitivity is Check INPUTnot set properly, or LEVEL setting; oramplifier or source check speaker wiresunit is defective for shorts or groundsDistorted audio Short circuit in Remove speaker leadsand PROTECT speaker or wire one at a time to locateLED flashes shorted speaker orwire, then repairMusic lacks Speakers are not Check speaker“punch” connected properly connections forproper polarityPower Amplifier BPX1100.1