5Make sure the gland nut fitting is affixed and tightened in theproper knock-out location (add a second gland nut to the otherknock-out location if two glands nuts are desired). Slide thewire through the gland nut (do not tighten the gland nut ontothe wire yet).Figure 6:$I¿[LQJJODQGQXWWR7HUPLQDO&RYHUPlateStep 4 – Connect the Wiring to the Ceramic Ter-minal Block – The Ceramic Terminal Block is attached tothe speaker. Strip the insulation back about 5 mm (about 3/16inch). Do NOT strip wires back any longer than this. Insert thebare end of wire fully into the connector (not allowing any barewire outside of connector). Only utilize the side of the terminalwhere there aren’t already wires connected.Add a second set of wires in parallel to the same terminals ifa second wire is utilized for looping to another loudspeak-er. Screw down the hold-down screw until tight using a smallphillips-type screwdriver. Tighten any unused screws to avoidrattling from vibration.Figure 7:Connecting Wires to the CeramicTerminal Block(Note that the right-hand wire shownin diagram is optional. It only needsto be connected if the chassis of thedriver needs to be connected to a safetyground.)Figure 8:Connecting two sets of wires to theCeramic Terminal Block for loop-out to asubsequent loudspeakerFigure 9:Paralleling connections to multiplespeakers for 70V or 100V distributedspeakers systemsGuide to the Pins for Connection -- The Ceramic TerminalBlock contains 3 terminals, as marked on the connector as +INPUT, - INPUT and GROUND.Figure 10:TerminalsFigure 11:Shown wired (without cover shown)-