6Step 5 – Re-attach Terminal Cover Plate andTighten Gland Nut -- Slide the wire through the gland nutuntil you can re-attach the Terminal Cover Plate. Install thecover plate so that the screws go in through the keyholes, andslide the plate so that the screws are back at the narrow-slot endof the keyholes. Tighten the 4 screws. Tighten the gland nutonto the wire (leaving enough slack inside the coverplate so thatthere is no strain on the wires inside the compartment).Figure 12:Re-attaching Terminal Cover PlateFigure 13:Shown wired with Terminal Cover Platein placeStep 6 – Insert Speaker into Ceiling & Tighten– In-sert the speaker into the ceiling as far as it goes, until the frontbaffle rim touches the ceiling.Figure 14:Inserting Speaker into Ceiling(C-ring/tile-rail assembly is above the ceiling tile. Speakerinserted through cutout in ceiling material. Diagram shownwithout cable and ceiling tile for clarity)Turn the attachment screws to tighten the mounting tabs, byusing the following directions:Figure 15:Tightening Mounting TabsIMPORTANT -- For each attachment screw, FIRST turn ½turn COUNTER-CLOCKWISE to release the mounting tabfrom its guide.Then tighten the mounting tabs by turning the screw CLOCK-WISE until tight. The first ¼ clockwise turn rotates the attach-ment tabs outward and the remaining turns tighten the tabsdown onto the back of the ceiling surface. DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN.