Remote Control Functions (To control the DVD600 and DCR600)IMPORTANT NOTE: The JBL Cinema ProPack600 remote control may be programmed tocontrol up to eight devices, including theDCR600 and DVD600. It is helpful to think ofthe remote as being organized into “pages,”with one page for each device. Depending onwhich device has been selected, the buttonson that device’s page will perform differentfunctions, as listed starting on the next page.These functions may vary from the labels onthe remote, and from one device to the next.Some buttons may perform no function at allfor a given device.In order to go to the page for a particulardevice, such as the DVD600, you will need topress the Input Selector button for that device(DVD in this case), located in a grouping justbelow the power buttons. The remote will thenfunction as if it were dedicated to the DVD600.If you would like to make an adjustment thataffects the DCR600 receiver, such as turningthe volume up or down, you must first go tothe page for the DCR600 by pressing its InputSelector button. This button is labeled "Main"on the remote. The exception to this rule isthat the DVD600’s transport functions – Play,Forward and Reverse Search, Stop, Pause, andPrevious and Next Chapter/Track Skip – maybe accessed from the "Main" page, withouthaving to jump to the DVD page.10DVD600