22M I C R O P H O N E O P E R A T I O NEVO LAVALIERE MICROPHONE/BODYPACK TRANSMITTERThe EVO Lavaliere Microphone is a professional, omnidirec-tional, miniature-condenser, clip-on microphone. With itswide frequency range (20~20,000 Hz), low distortion at highsound pressure levels, and small size, it is an ideal choice forspeech use in situations calling for an inconspicuous micro-phone and mobility for the speaker.The EVO Bodypack Transmitter is internally powered by two(2) AA batteries and is designed for use with the suppliedlavaliere condenser microphone. It operates in a subband upto 4 MHz wide of the 710 to 861 MHz UHF range. TheEVO Bodypack Transmitter can be switched to a maximumof 15 different carrier frequencies, depending on local fre-quency allocations.Lavaliere MicrophoneLavaliere MicrophoneEVO Lavaliere Microphone with attached 3-pin femalemini-XLR connector.ClipUse this accessory to attach the EVO LavaliereMicrophone to clothing (e.g., a lapel). Insert the cableabout 1/2" away from the microphone case.Tie PinUse this accessory to attach the EVO LavaliereMicrophone to a tie. Insert the cable about 1ā2 " awayfrom the microphone case.32110 111549132121314165 867