4amplifier and G Sub10 subwoofer, justbe sure to connect both left and righthookup wires identically. Push downon the button next to the terminal holeand insert the wire through the hole.For each channel, connect the redterminal on the receiver/TV/sourceamplifier to the red or (+) "SpeakerLevel Input" connection terminal onthe G Sub10 subwoofer, and theblack to the black or (–). Connectingthe subwoofer in this manner ensuresthat both channels will be in phase;that is, working together, not inopposition.CAUTION: Never attach inputs toboth line-level and speaker-levelinputs of the same channel at thesame time.OUTPUTSYour subwoofer has a speaker outputterminal block to enable the signal toReceiver or AmplifierSubwoofer or Line OutputLevel Phase Crossover Freq+ R – – L ++ R – – L ++ R – – L +Speaker Level Input(from amplifier)Speaker Level Output(to external speakers)R LLRMin Max 50 (Hz) 200LineInputG Sub10 SubwooferReverse NormalSpeakerWireFigure 2: Speaker- Level Input Connection