wire for all grounding, even signalprocessors and head units, can alsohelp to minimize possible noisepickup.Remote Turn-On Wire (Blue withWhite Stripe)Because the JBL GTS100 includesCommon Sense 2-way turn-oncircuitry, you have two options forremotely activating the amplifier. Whenusing the speaker level inputs with ahead unit that includes a BTL poweramp it is not necessary to connect theremote wire. The amplifier will automati-cally activate whenever you turn on thehead unit. If the head unit is not of thehigh power BTL type, Common Sensewill not work. You will need to connect aremote wire as discussed below. If youare using the line level inputs follow theremote wire connections listed below.The remote power control system turnsthe GTS100 off when not in use to pre-vent discharging of the vehicle’s bat-tery. When +12 volts is applied to theremote wire the amplifier is turned on. Ared LED on the end panel of the ampli-fier lights whenever the amplifier is on.If the head unit has a +12 volt automaticantenna or amplifier remote activationwire, connect it to the blue/white wire ofthe GTS100.Some head units have no automaticantenna or power amp activation wire.Other decks have automatic antennawires that are “on” only when the radiois used (the +12 volt signal is off when atape is played.) In such cases, connectthe remote turn-on wire to an unusedaccessory terminal in the fuse block, orany other +12 volt source that is turned15on and off with the vehicle’s ignitionswitch. The remote on/off system drawsnegligible current so a relatively small(18 or 20 gauge) extension wire may beused. Be sure to securely crimp or sol-der and insulate the wire-to-wire con-nections.Audio Input ConnectionsLine Level Input ConnectionProper wiring between the signalsource, any other components in thesystem and the GTS100 will help tokeep noise levels in the system low.Use high quality, low capacitanceshielded wire. Keep the wire as shortas possible. Do not splice shieldedwires together. Do not run audio signalwires alongside power wires either forthe amp or the vehicle’s standardpower wires. When wires are run forlong distances, separate the audio sig-nal wires from power supply wires orvehicle wiring harnesses as much aspossible. When signal wires and powerwires must cross, try to keep them per-pendicular. Avoid routing any wiresnear accessories such as ignition con-trol modules, tachometers, fuel pumpsor fan motors.The line level inputs of the GTS100accept standard phono plugs (alsocalled RCA plugs.) The outputs of mosthead units, equalizers or crossoversalso accept RCA connectors. If anothertype of connector is used, adapters orspecial cables may be needed. Properwire and connectors can be obtainedfrom any JBL authorized installationspecialist.