X +0 +Y 20M H ZX + 0 + Y 2 0 M H Z ”X + 0 + Y 2D E S I G N G O A L : Bring the thrill of live performance and movie sound tothe home environment by calling on JBL’s professional engineering leadership.C R O S S O V E R N E T W O R K : Straight-Line Signal Path™ (SSP)P O R T D E S I G N : FreeFlow™ flaredP R O F E S S I O N A L R E F E R E N C E : Cinema Loudspeaker SeriesW O O F E R T Y P E : Cast-aluminum basket with HeatScape™ motor structureP R O D U C T L I N E : H T S E R I E SM O D E LHT 4 V, HT 4 HN U M B E R :T H A N K Y O U F O R C H O O S I N G J B LFor more than 50 years, JBL hasbeen involved in every aspect ofmusic and film recording andreproduction, from live perfor-mances to the recordings you playin your home, car or office.We’re confident that the JBLloudspeakers you have chosen willprovide every note of enjoymentthat you expected – and that whenyou think about purchasing addi-tional audio equipment for yourhome, car or office, you will onceagain choose JBL.Please take a moment to completethe enclosed profile card. Itenables us to keep you posted onour latest advancements, andhelps us to better understand ourcustomers and build products thatmeet their needs and expectations.JBL Consumer ProductsT W E E T E R T Y P E : Pure-titanium dome with Bi-Radial® Constant Directivity HornO W N E R ’ S G U I D EOnly model HT4V isTHX® Ultra certified.